Are You Having a Girl or a Boy – Should you Find Out

baby in a basket

The excitement of waiting is upon you. You know you are pregnant and now have visions of baby pink booties swirling through your head. But wait—are they pink or blue? Your husband thinks of his little boy. Or is it his little princess? For many people, finding out you are pregnant is followed by the exciting question, “Are you having a girl or a boy?”

In a Baby Center poll, around 64% of expectant mothers said they couldn’t wait to find out the sex of their baby. Years ago, knowing the sex of the baby for sure was nearly impossible. While there have always been tons of old wives’ tales—from hanging a needle on a string over your belly to how high or low you carry—many people enjoy playing the boy-or-girl guessing game, believing their secret method works. With 50/50 odds, the chances are pretty high that some of those methods will be right, even without scientific evidence to back them up.

Today, routine ultrasounds are typically scheduled between the 16th and 21st weeks of pregnancy when the sex can be detected. In most cases, ultrasound technicians can predict the sex with about 90% accuracy, provided they have a good view of the fetus’s genitals. However, if the baby is positioned so that the genitals are hidden, the sex can remain a mystery until the next appointment. Doctors can also determine the sex through amniotic testing, if you choose to undergo it.

Most recently, a test available online (and in some doctors’ offices) allows women to find out the sex of their baby at just 7 weeks along, only days after the first pregnancy test would show positive. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, this home blood test was accurate in 95% of cases at 7 weeks. The test, called Pink or Blue, is sold online and costs around $30, including lab work and shipping.

However, one has to wonder if gender testing has gone too far. In many countries, where having a first-born girl is frowned upon, or in China, where births are regulated, more women are using gender testing for sex selection. The testing agency running the Pink or Blue test requires patients to sign a form stating they won’t choose to abort the baby based on the test results.

Yet today, with so many advances and a desire for information that allows for preparation, knowing the sex of the baby can be beneficial. The nursery can be decorated, clothes can be purchased, and it makes it easier to think about names. It also helps families prepare for the little one’s arrival. Many eager parents who find out the sex can bond with their baby early and often refer to their bundle of joy by name. Plus, for couples who really desire one sex over the other (and yes, many do), knowing the sex affords them extra time to adjust.

For those who don’t want to know the sex of their baby, the dreaming continues. Many believe that this dreaming helps create a magical bond long before they get to touch their baby’s toes. These parents are often looking for one of those ‘aha’ moments filled with tears of joy and excitement. Childbirth is a wondrous act of nature, and discovering whether you’re having a son or daughter can enhance the surprise. Couples often feel that not knowing the sex is how it’s supposed to be.

The truth is there is no right or wrong way to find out the sex of your baby. If you want to know, simply ask your ultrasound technician to reveal your baby’s genitalia. From there, whether you choose to share the news or not is entirely up to you.

One thing to note: millions of people feel instantly disappointed upon finding out their baby’s sex. Sometimes dads feel let down if they learn they’re having a daughter instead of a son. Families with three girls often hope for a son. All of these reactions are normal and usually stem from fears about parenting a child of the opposite sex. The truth is that once the baby arrives, whether it’s a boy or girl becomes a non-issue. You will be overwhelmed with love and disbelief at how tiny and fragile your child is, and the life you created, rendering any prior feelings insignificant.

Whether you find out the sex of your baby and share the news with the world or wait until that highly anticipated delivery day, you are assured to be surprised!



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