Birthday Presents for a Wife – What Should You Get Her?

Woman in a red dress

You have to feel sorry for the wife. In many families, she is the one who makes birthdays special, planning surprise parties and baking favorite homemade cakes. Then her birthday comes along, and it is simply more of the same. She might get homemade scrambled eggs or strawberry pancakes, but the gifts and festivities seem to prove that she is thought of as little more than the queen of home economics. After all, how many men receive pots, pans, or a new broom for their birthday (unless they are chefs)? If the new broom is given by a 3-year-old who, after seeing Mommy sweep the floors with a broken broom, thinks it’s a nice gift, it’s a different story altogether when it comes from a husband. Remember, the article is entitled “birthday gifts for a WIFE,” not for a mom.

Choosing the Perfect Gift

When you shop for your wife, you have a few choices. You can opt for the usual perfume, bath soaps, or jewelry, thinking that diamonds and Chanel are really a girl’s best friend. Alternatively, you can go the extra mile and choose a very special, personal gift that will give you a better chance at some birthday lovemaking. What many men (not all) forget is that their wives are also women with special interests and passions of their own. Recognizing these can make her feel truly special and loved.

Even though she may slave away fixing dinner and tucking in the corners of sheets, it’s seriously doubtful that those are areas of her life where she wants to receive a gift. Begin by remembering who your wife was before she became your wife. Did she love to run on the beach? Was she a passionate writer? Did she have a favorite kind of music or a beloved restaurant? Recall the things that sparked HER interests and try to find a gift to match. For many women, losing themselves as a wife or mother is a common complaint. When a man (especially a husband) works to remind her of who she is inside, it can make her feel truly special and loved. In fact, a hand-embossed journal and a beautiful pen might not be as expensive as a diamond, but for a woman who loves to write, it shows that you know who she is. Similarly, taking her out to her favorite restaurant (where the kids are not welcome) may be just the thing to prove that you really still care about her feelings.

Women (and wives in particular) are much more sentimental than men. They don’t want a generic gift from their husband; they want a man who will take the time to be thoughtful and prepare something special. A bouquet of flowers delivered on her birthday means nothing, but flowers ordered and sent several days before mean the world. The point is to remember her birthday without being reminded and to put in extra effort to make it special. Even if the flowers are wilted and the cake is lopsided, the fact that you planned something on your own—without prompts or help from the mother-in-law—will win her heart.

It can be challenging to pinpoint exact birthday gift ideas for a wife because every woman is unique. However, if your wife has children, anything that includes them will likely be appreciated. Consider purchasing a personalized charm bracelet or gathering the kids for a surprise family picture. You can also engage the kids in creating a magical gift. Give each child some paint, purchase a real canvas, and have the artwork framed tastefully. This can be a fantastic gift that shows thoughtfulness and pre-planning. It can even serve as a delightful complement to the broom, demonstrating that the husband truly knows what his wife wants.

Another excellent gift, although most women will deny it outwardly, is anything that involves pampering. A gift certificate for a massage, a nail or hair appointment, or some exquisite lingerie can make her feel sexy and loved. These gifts show that you see your wife as more than just your spouse; you recognize her as a person deserving of special treatment. If you use some creativity to present these gifts, you’ll score extra brownie points as well.

One unexpected birthday gift idea for a wife is to allow her to take an entire day off. Regardless of her usual duties, plan special activities throughout the day so that her birthday is unique and memorable. Hire a babysitter, call her boss to inform him that she won’t be in that day (then turn off the alarm), and have a housecleaner come in to thoroughly clean the house so she can enjoy fresh sheets she didn’t have to wash. If you create a special day that is unlike her normal routine, it will show her that you are an amazing husband who understands what she really wants and needs.

There is also one important piece of advice to consider: Many women will say they don’t want anything. They may claim they don’t want to go out to dinner, that they dislike flowers, or that they want something practical like a dishwasher or a stainless steel trash can. While that may be true to some extent, she does want something—she wants to be remembered. She wants to be seen as more than just a machine. She wants to be respected and admired, and she wants her husband to do something special. You cannot present her with a new trash can (and the broom) and then assume that she will be happy, even if she claims that’s all she wants. Why? Because as a wife, she wants to be seen as practical but also as more than just a woman who is difficult to upkeep. She may even worry about money. Ultimately, even if she feels embarrassed to receive your thoughtful gift, she will be happy that you didn’t just listen to her. And in the end, you will be too!



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