Calories in Beer – It all Depends on the Brand of Beer

3 pints of light beer

There’s a reason they call it a “beer gut.” Beer is loaded not only with calories but also with sugars that turn into empty calories and carbs that cling to your waist like rubber cement. Chronic beer drinkers are likely to notice a difference in their body shape within the first few months of drinking, and the effects become even more noticeable with age. The calories in beer are the hard-to-burn kind—the ones that like to stick around for the ride, if possible.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that “Lite” beer is significantly better. While it’s true that the “Lite” version has reduced a calorie or two and may shed a few grams of carbs during the processing, few beers go the extra mile to make a lighter option that cuts down on calories, carbohydrates, and all the other sugars that contribute to the beer gut, without making it taste like watery pee.

The lowest-calorie beer (based on readily available options in North America, Canada, and most European countries) is Pabst Extra Light Low Alcohol. The name alone will turn off more beer drinkers than a round of AA at the bar, and it remains one of the lowest-selling beers in the market.

Sierra Nevada Stout takes the top spot for the most caloric beer, with a whopping 210 calories per 12 ounces. This is far from a popular choice. The most common beers typically range between 140 and 180 calories per 12-ounce serving. In some cases, that’s more than a Hershey bar! On average, most men drink between 4 and 8 beers in one sitting. Very few men choose to have just one beer with dinner or after work. This means an evening of beer drinking can easily rack up between 560 calories (about the same as a Big Mac and a soda) and 960 calories (equivalent to an entire pizza and a Big Mac, with a little room left over for a Hershey bar). That’s a significant calorie intake, especially for men who don’t have the time to work out daily.

Women, on average, drink between 2 and 12 beers when they indulge. Women who drink daily tend to have two or three beers, while those who drink weekly or less often may drink more heavily, sometimes consuming half a case. Women who drink half a case per week are at risk of developing a drinking problem.

The Calories in Beer Vary by Brand

The calories in beer can significantly impact the beer drinker’s waistline. So, what about the top-selling beers in the United States? Here’s a breakdown:

  • Busch Beer: 133 calories
  • Busch Lite: 110 calories
  • Busch Ice: 169 calories
  • Coors: 142 calories, but the lighter version cuts 40 calories, coming in at 102 per 12 ounces
  • Keystone Premium: 108 calories, and Keystone Light: 104 calories
  • Keystone Ice: 143 calories

It’s easy to feel a bit cheated when looking at these numbers.

Michelob offers a wide variety of beers, though not a wide range of calorie counts. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Michelob: 155 calories
  • Michelob Light: 113 calories
  • Michelob Amber: 166 calories
  • Michelob Golden Draft: 152 calories
  • Michelob Golden Draft Light: 110 calories
  • Michelob Honey Lager: 175 calories
  • Michelob Ultra: 95 calories

This discrepancy in calorie content could be seen as misleading if you really take a close look at the numbers.

Pete’s Wicked Ale, which lives up to its name, comes in at 174 calories per 12-ounce serving—on the higher end of the scale. The calories in beer can sneak up on a person. Based on a 2,000-calorie diet (which, let’s be honest, few people follow), one 12-ounce serving of beer a day might not seem harmful. But most people don’t limit themselves to just one beer, and that’s when the calories start to accumulate.

The Miller Line mirrors Michelob’s offerings, with the following:

  • Miller Genuine Draft: 143 calories
  • Miller Genuine Draft Light: 110 calories
  • Miller High Life: 143 calories
  • Miller High Life Light: 110 calories
  • Miller Lite: 96 calories

The entire Sam Adams line runs around 160–166 calories, except for the Cream Stout, which comes in at a hefty 195 calories.

In most cases, having one or two beers in an evening can add up to the same caloric content as consuming an additional half-meal. Most people wouldn’t sit down to a second meal every night, yet many continue to drink three or four beers each evening to “unwind.” While unwinding is an important part of the day and a great routine to reconnect with life and family, it can be done without alcohol. In fact, those who choose physical activity to unwind feel more connected to their family and life than those who drink beer after work. The calories in beer are much happier when worked off, rather than clinging to your midsection, which ultimately leads to the ever-familiar beer gut.



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