Disagreeing With Your Mother
When you were three, you and your mother disagreed about the fact that you wanted to wear the same dress day in and day out.
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When you were three, you and your mother disagreed about the fact that you wanted to wear the same dress day in and day out.
Amazing how that little creature that used to believe the sun and moon set in your eyes, now thinks you are a complete and utter
For many years, I have been a devoted stay-at-home mom. This is not to say that I have enjoyed every single moment of motherhood or
As far back as you care to delve into history, you’ll see the familiar plight of parents worried about the irresponsible antics of their teens
Thinking back to the pre-children days, you probably imagined preparing gourmet tasty meals for your family. Then, you imagined that the four of you (one
Before you had kids, what did you think it would be like? Did you dream about the insightful and special conversations that you and your
Your little girl is not so little anymore. She has been on dates with boys, and you are fairly certain that she has kissed a
As a mother, my number one job is customer service. Sure, my ‘customers’ may be hormonal teens and short tenacious toddlers (or anything in between),
It’s everywhere. Mothers complaining on Facebook, at the ball fields, on Instagram, sitting around in tribes during PTO meetings, tweeting on Twitter, and commiserating with
Those soft and cuddly feelings you get when you are pregnant, or have a baby in the house are an irreplaceable part of parenthood. It