How Can I Prepare My Child For The Death Of A Loved One?
It is never easy dealing with death. As adults, it overwhelms us. For children it can be harder for them to understand what dying means.
A wide assortment of information dealing with children, teenagers, babies
and other family issues
It is never easy dealing with death. As adults, it overwhelms us. For children it can be harder for them to understand what dying means.
You can ask your little one “What do you want to be when you grow up?” a thousand times and hear a thousand different answers.
When empty nest hit, I mentally counted every day the same way I did when my child was born. “He’s been gone two months and
I worked with a client whose son suddenly began displaying aggressive tendencies towards her and his younger siblings. She told me that they were going
Fifteen-year-old Heidi came for therapy with me at the insistence of her parents. “She’s been furious with us ever since we had her transfer to
We live in an “entitled” society. Gone are the days of working for what you have. Earning a reward seems to be a foreign concept
Right after our son’s second birthday, my husband raised his voice to me, and Garrett walked into the room, planted himself firmly in front of
“Julia is so sensitive I can’t say anything to her without it causing a big blow-up!” exclaimed Julia’s mom. “How am I supposed to raise
A recent article published in The Guardian put it well: “Schooling without learning is just time served.” There is an alarming trend taking place in
As I held my precious baby daughter in my arms for the first time, I imagined all the wonderful things that she would one day