Dog Reproduction

Gain insights into dog reproduction with our informative resources. Learn about breeding practices, reproductive health, and responsible pet ownership to ensure the well-being of both mother and puppies throughout the process.

Becoming a Dog Breeder

When I first started looking at Labrador Retrievers I was looking for a dog that would make an excellent breeding dog. Breeding wasn’t my first

Pregnant dog

How Long is a Dog Pregnant?

A pregnant pooch can be an exciting adventure or a source of significant worry, depending on whether it was a planned event or if your

What Age Can You Neuter a Puppy?

Each year, millions of unwanted animals are euthanized at shelters all around the United States. There are far more animals than there are homes for

dog in a bed of tulips

Reasons to Get Your Dog Fixed

Being a responsible dog owner takes commitment. It involves making decisions that are best for both your family and your pets. One of those decisions