Coccidia – Isospora burrowsi and Isospora neorivolta

Husky outside

Coccidia are a type of parasite that all pet owners should be aware of. Most commonly seen in puppies and kittens, Coccidia can affect pets at all stages of life. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems, and even death.

What is Coccidia?

Coccidia are microscopic, single-celled protozoa that live and reproduce within animal cells. In animals, these coccidian protozoa cause the disease coccidiosis. The genus *Isospora* is the most common cause of intestinal coccidiosis in companion animals.
While Isospora can affect both dogs and cats, each strain or “species” of the parasite affects only one species of animal. The most commonly encountered species of coccidia that affect dogs include Isospora canis, Isospora ohioensis, Isospora burrowsi, and Isospora neorivolta. In cats, Isospora felis and Isospora rivolta are most commonly seen. As a whole, the presence of any of these protozoa is considered a coccidiosis infection.

Coccidia parasites are also encountered in humans in the form of Cryptosporidium. A common ailment of cattle, cryptosporidiosis in humans usually occurs when a person is immune-compromised and is most commonly acquired by working with live cattle or in meat processing plants.

How is Coccidia transmitted?

Coccidiosis is spread from one dog to another through contact with infected feces or by exposure to infected soil or bodily fluids. In healthy adult dogs, an infection may be present, but in many cases, these dogs may never show symptoms due to a strong immune system. However, all infected dogs can continue to transmit the disease, regardless of whether or not they are showing symptoms. Puppies, on the other hand, typically show symptoms of coccidia soon after becoming infected due to their weaker immune systems.
Puppies born to infected mothers are not born with the disease, but they will quickly acquire it via exposure to their mother’s feces. Through ingestion of the infected fecal material, coccidia are transported into the puppies’ intestines. Lacking immunity, the coccidia quickly reproduce extensively, wreaking havoc on the puppies’ young bodies.

What are the symptoms of Coccidia infection?

The most common sign of coccidiosis in dogs is diarrhea of varying severity. Profuse, watery diarrhea is a tell-tale sign of a serious infection. In advanced cases, blood and mucus may also be present as the protozoa destroy the lining of the intestines while continuing to grow in numbers.
All types of diarrhea have the potential to be a dangerous health issue, especially in puppies. Left untreated, diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration, vomiting, lethargy, and even death.

In puppies, signs of infection typically appear between the ages of four and twelve weeks, and they tend to become more prevalent during times of stress (e.g., weaning or transitioning to a new home).

How is Coccidiosis diagnosed? Can it be treated?

Any episode of diarrhea in dogs, especially in puppies, should be considered a serious medical issue, and the pet should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.
While diarrhea is a major symptom of coccidia, unfortunately, it is also a common symptom of several other diseases that can present themselves in puppies. These diseases include:

Parvovirus Gastroenteritis: One of the most devastating diseases of young animals, parvo can often be fatal but is almost completely preventable through a strong vaccination program. A highly contagious virus, initial signs include vomiting, profuse bloody diarrhea, and lethargy. These can quickly progress to severe dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, sepsis, and death. Treatment for parvo is difficult, and even with treatment, as many as 90% of affected puppies may die.

Hookworms: Hookworms are transmitted by ingestion of contaminated feces. The developing parasites attach to the intestinal lining and feed on the blood supply there. In puppies, hookworms can be devastating, causing severe anemia, weakness, and bloody diarrhea.

Roundworms: As many as 85% of puppies are born with roundworms. Roundworms can grow up to seven inches long and appear spaghetti-like, long, and thin. They mature quickly, and severe symptoms may begin to show in puppies as young as a few weeks old. A pot-bellied appearance, poor growth, and a rough, dull hair coat are signs of a worm infestation. Diarrhea and vomiting may also be present, and the dog may expel worms in their stool or vomitus. If left untreated, roundworms can cause pneumonia, intestinal obstructions, and death.

Giardia: Giardia is an intestinal parasite caused by a single-celled organism that lives in the intestines of infected animals. Giardia can be transmitted from pet to pet through contaminated food, water, or soil. It is also a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from pets to humans. The most common symptom of Giardia is diarrhea of varying severity, and it can affect dogs at all stages of life.

Because these and many other diseases share similar symptoms, it is imperative that your veterinarian examine your dog to determine the proper treatment.

Coccidia is diagnosed via fecal screening. This may be done at your veterinarian’s office, or the sample may be sent to a laboratory for a more thorough examination. Coccidia can be readily identified in fecal samples; however, the cysts do not shed into the feces at all times, so a negative fecal screening may not completely rule out coccidia as the cause of diarrhea. If coccidiosis is suspected, your veterinarian may recommend a treatment protocol, even with a negative fecal test.

Coccidiosis is easily treated, and medication to cure it is available from your veterinarian. In mild cases, treatment may involve a liquid or pill medication given to your pet for 5-10 days. In severely affected pets, hospitalization may be required for intravenous fluids and other supportive care until the pet begins to recover from the infection’s side effects. After treatment, a recheck fecal test should be performed in 30 days to ensure the infection has been completely eradicated.

Can coccidia be prevented?

Unfortunately, because coccidia are transmitted from dog to dog through infected soil, it is impossible to completely prevent coccidia infections. Dogs who frequent places where other dogs gather, such as dog parks, doggy daycare, groomers, kennels, or the beach, are at an increased risk of infection. In healthy adult dogs, coccidia may be acquired and they may never show symptoms for most or even all of their lives. However, they continue to excrete the parasite in their feces, thus perpetuating contamination in the soil.
Annual fecal tests are the best way to detect and treat coccidiosis in dogs. In breeding females, it is essential to screen and/or treat for the infection before they become pregnant to help prevent transmitting the disease to their puppies once born.



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