As you go about your fat loss workout and diet program, one thing you must be certain of is that you’re aware of some of the most common weight loss myths that circulate. If you’re not careful, these myths could completely derail your progress, leading to frustration and possibly even causing you to throw in the towel.
By arming yourself with the correct information about these myths, you can feel confident that you’re on the right track toward success.
Let’s take a quick look at the biggest ones to keep in mind.
If Some Exercise Is Good, More Is Better
The first myth you must be aware of is the idea that if some exercise is good, more must be better. While it’s true that you should focus on being more active during your weight loss program, you must also remember that the body can only handle so much.
If you start going to the gym every day for hours at a time, not only will you increase your risk of injury, but you will eventually fail to recover between workouts. Over time, overtraining will set in, and you will either wind up injured or so exhausted that you’ll have no choice but to take a week or two off from your program entirely.
Instead, be smart with your exercise. Plan appropriate, higher-intensity sessions that are great for burning fat, but also allow your body the necessary time to rest and recover.
The Fewer Calories You Consume, The Faster Your Weight Loss Will Be
Another major weight loss myth is the belief in ultra-low-calorie diets. It’s true that the number of calories you consume versus how many you burn is one of the primary factors in fat loss. However, some people take this concept too far. While a reduced-calorie diet is necessary for fat loss, if you cut calories too drastically, your body’s defense mechanisms will kick in, slowing down your metabolism.
Before you know it, you’ll be burning half as many calories at rest as you were before, and that low-calorie diet won’t do much good.
Aim for a moderate calorie deficit. Not only will you feel better while on the diet and be able to stick with it long-term, but your weight loss results will be better as well.
Eating At Night Will Automatically Cause Fat Gain
Do you believe that any food you eat at night will automatically turn into body fat?
If so, you might want to think again. The only time eating at night will cause weight gain is if the calories you consume during the evening hours put you over your daily calorie target.
If you maintain a proper calorie balance, choosing a healthy evening snack that contains protein and healthy fats, you should have no problem including this in your diet without gaining weight.
The biggest issue with evening eating is that most people turn to highly processed, high-carb options, which leads them to consume hundreds of calories in a short time span.
Choose wisely, and you can enjoy a small snack before bed without worrying about weight gain.
Dairy Products Should Be Reduced Or Eliminated On A Fat Loss Diet Plan
Another common myth is that dairy products should be reduced or eliminated from a fat loss diet. Many people believe that dairy contains too many calories and is too high in fat to be included in their plan, but this isn’t necessarily true.
If you choose wisely and opt for lower-calorie, low-fat varieties of dairy, these can be excellent sources of protein and calcium to include in your meal plan.
What’s more, people who regularly consume dairy tend to show greater overall fat loss, particularly around the stomach area. So, if that’s a problem area for you, you won’t want to skip out on dairy.
Cardio In The ‘Fat Burning Zone’ Is Ideal For Maximum Fat Loss
Finally, the last myth to be aware of is the “fat burning zone” cardio myth. Many people spend hours on the treadmill at moderate intensities because they’ve heard that this is the exercise that burns fat the fastest.
While it’s true that at this intensity, your body uses mostly fat as a fuel source, the most important factor is still your total daily calorie balance.
Higher-intensity activities burn more calories per minute, making them a far superior option compared to moderate-intensity workouts. Additionally, those who engage in high-intensity exercise tend to burn more calories for hours after their workout finishes, so the benefits continue long after you leave the gym.
So there you have it – the main weight loss myths you should be aware of. Pay attention, and if any of these myths sneak into your workout or diet program, make the necessary adjustments to stay on track toward your goals.