Constipation in Cats – Difficulty with Bowel Movements

grey cat in the kitchen

Constipation is defined as an abnormal accumulation of feces, leading to difficult bowel movements. This can result in reduced frequency or even the absence of defecation. The feces are retained in the large intestine or colon. Since one of the colon’s functions is water absorption, the retained feces become hard and dry, making defecation even more difficult. Constipated cats may strain in an attempt to defecate, causing abdominal pain. In some cases, cats may pass small amounts of liquid feces or blood.

What Causes Constipation?

Several factors may contribute to constipation, including:

Hairballs, especially in long-haired cats.
• Ingestion of foreign bodies.
• Obstruction caused by tumors, strictures, or masses compressing or blocking the large intestine.
• Pelvic injuries that result in a narrowed pelvic canal.
• Nerve damage that affects the colon’s ability to contract, which may result from trauma or a more generalized neurological disease.
• In some cases, no obvious cause is identified.

Constipation is most commonly seen in middle-aged and older cats.

What Is Megacolon?
Megacolon refers to a dilated and weakened colon that causes severe constipation. It may be a primary condition or a result of long-term constipation. When the colon becomes distended with fecal material over an extended period, its ability to contract may be reduced or lost, leading to megacolon.

How Are Constipation and Megacolon Diagnosed?
In most cases, constipation is diagnosed based on the cat’s clinical signs. Affected cats often strain unsuccessfully to defecate and may cry in pain. Any feces passed are hard and dry. The cat may also show signs of lethargy, reluctance to eat, and vomiting.

Further tests may be required to determine the cause of the constipation, such as abdominal and pelvic x-rays to check for pelvic injuries, colonic strictures, or tumors. X-rays are also the primary diagnostic tool for megacolon.

How Can Constipation and Megacolon Be Treated?
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the constipation. For example, if an obstruction like a colonic tumor is present, surgical treatment may be necessary.

About the Author:
This article was supplied by Elizabeth Hodgkins DVM – All About Cats Health Center.
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