You may be carrying around a few extra pounds, a lot of extra pounds, or know a loved one who is. Maybe you find yourself feeling physically exhausted, uncomfortable, or embarrassed about your weight. But if you’re overweight, how big a problem is it really? What are the short-term and long-term effects? How unhealthy are those extra pounds, after all?
In some cases, being slightly overweight may not be an issue, as it could actually increase your life span. However, being overweight—especially obese—can put you at an increased risk for up to thirty medical conditions, some of which can be deadly. So don’t you think you should know what the future might hold if you continue to gain weight? And what do those extra pounds mean for your health today?
The International Journal of Obesity, the American Obesity Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all agree: being overweight has its consequences, and obesity in particular is very dangerous.
The Health Risks of Being Overweight
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing many health conditions. These include gallbladder disease, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, and even cancer.
Arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, is especially common among the overweight and obese. However, cardiovascular disease is an even more frequent consequence. The American Heart Association recently dubbed obesity a leading cause of heart attacks.
There are other surprising effects of being overweight as well; some are more minor than others. For instance, did you know that you’re more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome if you’re severely overweight? In fact, the American Obesity Association found that 70% of carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers were overweight! Daytime sleepiness is another issue for those who are overweight, which can put lives at risk, especially while driving.
Other health impacts include gout, an impaired immune system, respiratory problems, difficulty healing from wounds, reproductive disorders that can lead to infertility, liver disease, back pain, gynecological complications, pancreatitis, and incontinence. Studies have even found that obese mothers have a higher risk of giving birth to babies with defects like neural tube defects (NTD), although this research is still in its early stages.
Perhaps the most alarming health consequence is cancer. Obese and even overweight individuals are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer of the breast, esophagus, colon, uterus, and kidney.
And what’s most frustrating about all of this is that it doesn’t even encompass all the risks associated with being overweight or obese! There are many other medical conditions that can arise from carrying extra pounds. Additionally, there’s the social stigma surrounding obesity. In the Stone Age and even as late as the 1600s, heavy women were idealized because their weight was associated with fertility and good health. But today, heavy women are often not considered beautiful—in fact, many models featured in magazines are either underweight or airbrushed to appear unrealistically thin. This societal shift creates an unfair, negative self-image for overweight individuals, who often fall victim to self-hatred and depression.
But there’s good news. While genetic factors may predispose someone to obesity, they don’t determine your destiny. Even if you have a naturally slow or dysfunctional metabolism, you can still take control of your weight. By eating less and being more physically active, you can shed those pounds and reduce your health risks.
In fact, even a modest 10% reduction in body fat can significantly lower many of these health risks!
Research into obesity is catching up with the increasing prevalence of the condition in the United States. As the scientific and medical communities take the problem more seriously, prevention and treatment options will become clearer, and the public will be better informed and equipped to tackle weight problems. However, new research may also reveal even more health risks associated with overweight and obesity.
Fortunately, obesity is entirely treatable. Some individuals may benefit from medications and surgeries, while others may only need to make a few lifestyle changes to achieve a healthier weight.
Dr. Michael Smith, in a 2005 WebMD article, discussed the obesity epidemic as startling, pointing out the dangerous health problems it creates for Americans—not to mention the economic consequences for both individuals and the national economy. Additionally, nearly half of U.S. states have been found guilty of failing to confront rising rates of overweight and obesity among their populations.
But while the obesity epidemic continues to rise, more information is becoming available to the public, and attention to the issue is growing as it threatens the quality and longevity of more lives.
The plain truth is that overweight and obesity-related health issues are relatively new concerns in the United States. In the 1980s, it wasn’t even a major topic of discussion. As a result, medical research and treatment are still catching up. Overweight and obesity rates have doubled in the past 20 years, which has caught the government off guard.
However, as these health risks have increased over just two decades, they can certainly be managed in the same amount of time! It’s a matter of both government and individual responsibility, which can be promoted through public policy and educational programs. As more people learn about the direct and indirect health consequences of obesity, many will begin to take action.
If you understand how your body is affected by food intake, it becomes much easier to control your diet and lose weight. Maybe that extra slice of cake is tempting today, but if you’re aware that drinking a glass of water instead can lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and other serious conditions, you’ll likely be more motivated to make healthier choices.