According to a 2010 study by the National Institutes of Health, we are living in a world that has lost sight of reality when it comes to health and wellness. The study reveals that two out of every three people in North America are considered clinically overweight based on detailed information and demographics. People of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities have fallen prey to the super-sized society of eating too much. The majority of the foods people consume daily are far from health-sustaining, and they are suspected of contributing to around 85% of common medical issues today.
Here’s the thing: you are likely one of them. Each year, you buy new jeans because you’ve outgrown the old ones. You step on the scale and attribute those extra five pounds to aging. Instead of going for a walk or bike ride, you sit on the couch and watch television. We all have excuses for why we don’t look better, feel better, eat better, or exercise more. And in the meantime, we’re getting fatter and fatter. Even sadder is that it has become rude or politically incorrect to use the word “fat” to describe someone these days, and overweight people often feel victimized.
Taking Responsibility for Your Health
But by who? Who is to blame for you being overweight? Isn’t it time to face reality and admit that you need to lose weight?
According to market research, the weight loss industry is booming. Nearly 70% of society is looking for the next best quick fix. Products that claim to reduce weight are selling at record highs despite a looming economy. And along with these skyrocketing sales are the fast food and processed food companies, which are maintaining record profits year after year. So, who are we kidding?
We can no longer blame our weight problems on a lack of information. Schools and government programs are being regulated by the Food and Drug Administration to reduce caloric and salt intake in order to fight obesity.
The problem is that the person who can actually make a change is YOU! The same person buying bigger pants and filling the freezer with junk food is the one who has the power to make a change. If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, it is your personal responsibility to do something about it. Information about how to lose weight and keep it off is everywhere. It’s no secret that burning more calories through exercise than you consume is the only way to successfully lose weight. Unfortunately, too many people remain stuck blaming others and making excuses for their weight in order to stay complacent.
Instead of wearing sweatpants because nothing else fits, shouldn’t you be wearing them to exercise? Instead of sitting down with a bag of chips, shouldn’t you snack on an apple? Instead of consuming 2,000 calories at the local wings place during lunch, couldn’t you eat a salad and spend 20 minutes walking? Instead of looking in the mirror and beating yourself up, why not make a firm decision to do something about your weight problem?
Making a change in your life only requires one simple decision. The next step is to stop blaming everyone and everything for your problems and take responsibility for your life and your weight.
There are millions of success stories about people who lost weight. The only difference between them and you is that they woke up one day, looked in the mirror, and realized they HAD TO MAKE a change. They took responsibility. They stopped making excuses about being tired, not having enough time, or not being able to afford a gym membership, and they began making changes.
Losing weight isn’t just about shedding a few pounds. It’s about changing your lifestyle and deciding to live a life that promotes a healthy body and mind. It’s about making the decision that your health and well-being are more important than anything else and taking care of yourself.
Take this as a polite reminder: your jeans aren’t getting tighter because you’re getting older. Your face isn’t rounder because you inherited your mother’s genes. You’re not getting heavier and unhealthier because of bad luck. These changes are happening because you are making bad choices. The good news is that the easiest way to make a change is to change your choices—one small step at a time.