Around the first of November, stores already become filled with holiday décor, red and green decorations and special holiday sales become imminent. The Christmas tree is next and while the majority of people wait until after the week of Thanksgiving, some die hard holiday fanatics already have at least one in every room of the house. Each year millions of trees, real and fake, are pitted up against each other in an ongoing battle to see which is best! Like most things in life, people normally feel adamantly one way or the other, however – when it comes to Christmas trees there is nothing better than the real thing. Which do you choose, Fake versus Real Christmas Trees?
If you think back to your grandparents Christmas tree, it was probably some gaudy white or pink plastic tree on a pedestal that spun around and played Christmas carols. While these were the Christmas fashion back in the day, today’pre-lit array of pines and furs made from plastic are not much better. Some people dismiss the idea of a real tree simply because of the mess it leaves behind. Certainly, the falling needles can cause a problem in the middle of the living room but there is something reminiscently warm and friendly about the smell of pine and the way real trees always have a slight imperfection that makes them feel homey. It is true however, that pine needles are nothing that a good shop-vac can’t pick up and as long as the tree skirt is long and you lie plastic on the carpet, the floors should make out just fine.
Other people claim that fake trees versus real Christmas trees are safer to have in the home. With all the chlorophylls they are no doubt emitting into the indoor air, that is a serious misconception. As far as safer is concerned, should the lights on the tree spark a flame the plastic tree is going to melt and heat up ten times more quickly than the sappy pine thick with natural moisture. Neither are the safest choice and both cause many house fires. Rule of thumb is to unplug them at night and never leave them up and on if you are not home to supervise. Leaving them plugged in while you are at work is similar to cooking your turkey in the oven while you are work; might turn out okay, might not!
Over the years, environmentalists have backed the completely fake Christmas tree fad as a way to save the forests. Each year, millions of trees are dumped and wrapped in plastic bags, which seems to only inflate the greed of the season. While it is unfortunate and sad to see these trees lying on the curb waiting for the tree pickup, most communities are recycling them and even supplying degradable wraps for the trees so that the whole thing can be used again. It is a much more worthy cause to pay attention to how much paper just one school throws away in a day or how much junk mail you receive in a month than to worry about the cutting of trees for Christmas. When its time to replace the fake Christmas tree or up grade it to the coveted 10-foot tree; what will happen to the old one? It will sit in a landfill for eons before it finally disintegrates and Lord only knows what will happen to the metallic and wires intertwined throughout. They may still be around when our grandchildren’s children are born.
The best solution across the board is to purchase a real tree that has its roots. Many tree farms exist all around the world that allow people to purchase pines and furs of all kinds that can be planted in the ground after Christmas. With the roots wrapped in a burlap sack and ample water during the time it is indoors, the trees can be planted quite successfully in most climates. This ensures that the trees are utilized for Christmas, not thrown in the trash and most importantly replanted in the environment they love. There is no waste, greed and the money you spend on your Christmas tree can actually be reinvested in your landscaping. After a few years, you might just be able to build that pine tree wall that will block your view of your neighbor’s pool where they tend to swim naked often. Another bonus for real in the fake versus real Christmas tree squabble.
The Christmas tree tradition is actually one that started thousands of years ago during the time of the Romans. The Pagans would decorate their homes with wreaths and use fir and pine trees inside their home as a way to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Legend says that evergreens would help to ward off evil spirits and candles were used to attract the Goddess of good fortune. The Winter Solstice was known as the return of the Sun and the evergreens would remind the Pagans that Spring and the rebirth of life were just around the corner. As Christianity began celebrating the birth of Jesus around the same time of year, the two holidays became somewhat intertwined and much of what symbolizes Christmas today is actually from the Solstice celebration of the Pagans. If they believed that a live tree in and around the home would bring them good fortune, good health and invite the sun, both physically and metaphorically into their lives; it is good reason to follow ancient wisdom and use live trees for Christmas. No matter how many pine-scented candles you leave burning around the home, there is nothing more inviting and comforting than the smell of a freshly cut (or wrapped) live tree adorning the home during Christmas.