Choosing a turkey for a special meal—whether it’s for the holidays or a large family gathering—used to be an easy task. Dad would head to the barn, grab the fattest bird, kill it, and hand it over to Mom for plucking and preparation. Soon, the delightful aroma of roast turkey would fill the kitchen and the entire house. Eventually, the turkey would land on a huge platter, awaiting the carving process, producing succulent slices enjoyed by the whole family.
These days, however, most people don’t kill their own turkeys; they simply head to the supermarket to make their selection. While frozen turkeys were the popular choice for many decades, more consumers are now turning to fresh options.
Decisions, Decisions
Recent surveys show that the competition between fresh and frozen turkeys is running neck and neck—or “gizzard to gizzard,” so to speak. With the recent emphasis on healthy foods, many people have switched to fresh.
So, what do fresh turkeys offer that frozen ones don’t? Why do consumers perceive fresh turkeys as healthier? Typically, turkeys labeled as “fresh” are also free-range or organic. This means they weren’t raised in barns but were allowed to roam freely, taking advantage of a variety of natural foods like grass and flowers, not just feed corn. Organic turkeys are fed only organically grown foods and are likely antibiotic-free, as indicated on the packaging. (Antibiotics are often used to make animals plumper.) These turkeys are killed, processed, chilled to around 26°F, and then sold quickly to ensure freshness.
Frozen birds, on the other hand, are generally raised in barns with many other turkeys, given antibiotics to increase their weight, and are flash-frozen to about 30°F below zero. As long as they remain frozen, they can be stored in your home freezer indefinitely, though the longer they’re kept, the drier they may become.
Taste – Fresh vs. Frozen Turkeys
Most chefs and cooking experts will tell you that neither type of bird is categorically better than the other, although environmentalists usually favor fresh turkeys. The choice often comes down to a few important factors, with taste being a primary consideration.
If you’re under 40-50 years old, you may be accustomed to the sweeter taste of frozen turkey. However, when you take your first bite of a fresh bird, you’ll likely notice a significant difference, typically due to the fresh turkey’s natural diet. Many describe the taste as more “gamey” than that of frozen turkey, and the texture can be noticeably different.
Fresh turkeys, especially those that are organically fed, tend to cost more than frozen ones. The higher price reflects the cost of organic food, perishability, and the special handling required.
Just before the holidays, when turkey is a popular main course, you’ll often find sales on frozen turkeys and turkey breasts, but generally not on fresh turkeys. If cost is a concern, whole frozen turkeys can often be purchased at a very reasonable price, making them perfect for budget-minded families.
Frozen turkeys can be purchased a few weeks in advance of the meal and stored in your freezer, allowing for gradual defrosting in the refrigerator (about one day for every five pounds). They are also more readily available.
Fresh turkeys should not be purchased more than a day or two before serving and must be kept in the coldest part of the refrigerator—typically the bottom shelf at the back. Anything beyond three days is considered unsafe. This means you’ll need to buy the bird just prior to the meal for the best results.
If you follow the buying and storage guidelines mentioned above, the preparation and cooking of the two types of turkeys are essentially the same. Everyone has their own special way of seasoning the turkey, and cooking times are generally the same, as long as the frozen turkey is completely thawed.
6 Responses
This is totally wrong. I have been the turkey cooker for Thanksgiving for20 years. We get a large bird (40+ lbs) for Thanksgiving. A few years ago we could not find a large bird locally, but found one at Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm, in Connecticut.
Difference number one (and in the instructioins) our fresh killed bird cokked in less time. (5 minutes less per pound. Difference number two. With every slice of breast meat, juice came out of the meat. Not a dry slice in the whole bird.
There is a BIG difference between fresh and store bought. When you pick up a fresh bird, they are pink, not off white. They cook quicker because they have not lost alot of moisture, like those quick frozen, and the heat travels through the meat quicker.
P.S. I get a ton of gravy also.
My concern about purchasing a fresh turkey is that I may be more likely to food poison my guests and family. Between the killing, processing and storage of a fresh turkey, it seems more likely that something in storage and transport could have exposed the turkey to a less than ideal atmosphere for safe eating. Comments?
Marilyn, I worry about the same.
To answer the question about food safety, fresh or frozen makes no difference. It is the hygiene standards of the processor. It is more likely that birds raised indoors or under high stress factory farmed conditions will be at greater risk of pathogens because of the unhealthy conditions they are raised in.
To answer the question about fresh or frozen, definitely fresh. Freezing causes the water in cellular tissue to expand and crystallise, rupturing the cell walls. When you thaw and cook a previously frozen bird the moisture in the meat will run out more easily, resulting in a drier cooked bird. The flavour will be the same but the frozen bird will be drier. Counter with a light gravy.
Total bunk. Fresh, frozen or previously frozen are storage terms and have NOTHING to due with quality. NO turkey can be raised with hormones in the USA. ORGANIC is the only label that controls diet and antibiotic use. FREE ROAM = no cages but indoors. FREE RANGE = some outdoor exposure. Fresh turkey is generally better is like saying red cars are generally faster. Please use a meat thermometer when cooking.
I find no difference in fresh v/s frozen if I marinate my turkey the night before roasting. It is succulent and very juicy. I also let it rest before carving.
Try it once and you’ll see. No difference…