Getting Children to Brush their Teeth

Girl brushing her teeth

In the perils of parenting, it’s amazing how young children will do anything to make you happy—until you ask them to do it. Tooth care is an ongoing battle for many parents, whether they have toddlers or teens. Sadly, despite the prevalence of dental care knowledge and more information than ever about tooth decay and preventive oral health, children today are still suffering. Much of the blame is placed on the parents, and the question always returns to how to get children to brush their teeth. The problem isn’t always getting them to do it; rather, it’s getting them to do it properly.

As soon as teeth erupt, you should begin caring for them. Overlooking the importance of baby teeth can lead to serious problems later in life, such as the need for dental surgeries or orthodontics. One of the first steps in tooth care is ensuring that your toddler gets enough fluoride. The next step is influencing proper brushing habits and techniques. Your toddler or child should brush their teeth at least twice a day, with a focus on doing so before bed. If you start early, making tooth brushing a non-negotiable routine that occurs at the same time every day (like bedtime), you’ll likely have better results. One creative way to encourage this is by using toddler-friendly toothpaste and brushes that are linked to your child’s interests. Opting for a Dora or Diego toothbrush and toothpaste may make the experience more enjoyable. If this doesn’t work, musical toothbrushes can also be a big help.

Young children also tend to do a more thorough job if they use a motorized toothbrush. Often, young children get cavities between their teeth because parents have difficulty reaching these areas properly. A vibrating toothbrush can help with this. If your child goes to bed with milk or juice, you are setting them up for trouble. Getting your child to brush their teeth might not be the biggest issue if this habit isn’t broken early. Try replacing milk or juice with water instead.

Your child may be young, but they can still understand the importance of brushing. Try talking to them about the germ bugs living on their teeth. You can also combine lessons on oral health with healthy eating habits. Help them understand that “sugar bugs” live on their teeth and come from those tasty treats. Liken cavities to boo-boos, and compare the toothbrush to a band-aid. Additionally, talk openly with your children about taking care of their entire body and how doing so is a big part of being a “big kid.” It can also help to brush your teeth with your child so they can learn the proper technique by mimicking you. Many children want to brush on their own and don’t want any assistance. Praise them for what they do by themselves, but make sure to finish the job tactfully and compassionately to ensure it’s done correctly. Be careful not to scare your child about the dentist; avoid threats such as saying they’ll have to see the dentist if they don’t brush. Instead, make the dentist sound like a fun place to visit.

Making Tooth Care Fun and Rewarding

Many parents resort to rewards to encourage their children to brush their teeth. While this isn’t a bad idea, the goal is for children to do it regardless. Oral health is a big part of your child’s well-being and should be emphasized. Consider giving them a penny or dime (or a sticker) for brushing their teeth or for allowing their teeth to be brushed without a fuss. You can also create a reward system where they can go to a special place after a month of good brushing. By making it fun and not causing a fuss around their dental hygiene, you’ll increase the chances that it will become easy. Also, realize that if you act like a prison guard—getting agitated or angry about tooth brushing—your child will likely react negatively to your energy.

Getting children to brush their teeth can also be about timing. Yes, it should be done at bedtime, but trying to force a child to brush their teeth when they are exhausted is futile. Make sure they do it when they are eager to please and as part of their daily routine.

As your kids get older, you might think the battle is over—but think again. Teens today are suffering from serious dental issues, largely due to the sodas and energy drinks they consume. As children get older, they also get lazier, and you may feel like you don’t have to monitor their brushing as closely. Unfortunately, just because they spend an hour in the bathroom doesn’t mean they are brushing properly. While you can’t do it for them at this age, you’ll be the one paying for it if they don’t brush regularly. Make sure your child keeps up with their cleanings so you can notice if their dental health is declining. Additionally, if your child drinks frequent sodas or juices, have them rinse with baking soda and water afterward to limit the effects of acid on their teeth. Brushing immediately after drinking soda will wear away the protective enamel more quickly than not brushing at all. Getting your older child to brush their teeth can sometimes involve nagging. Who cares if they think you’re being a pain? At this age, the bottom line is that you are dealing with adult teeth that won’t fall out in a year or two (hopefully not).

Getting a child to brush their teeth is also about leading by example. In homes where healthy habits are part of the daily routine, and where both mom and dad are conscientious about their own dental health, tooth brushing will be easier for children at every age. Remember, it’s much easier to prevent dental problems than to fix them later. So, do whatever it takes to make sure your child gets it done—and most importantly, that they do it right!



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