How Long Do I Grill a Rib Eye Steak

raw ribeye steak

Tasty, Tender and Succulent Defines a Prime Rib Eye Steak Experience

Rib eye steak, which is also known as prime rib, is a beautifully marbled piece of meat that’s cut from the beef’s rib section. The difference between rib eye and prime rib is in how they are prepared as rib eye is grilled and prime rib is oven roasted. For the ultimate flavorful experience, it’s important to answer the question, “How long should I grill a rib eye steak?”

When grilling a steak, you want the grill to be as hot as is safely possible. Gas grills are easier to calibrate than charcoal fired units, but the basic rule of thumb is when you place the steak on the grate, you should hear it sizzle.

In choosing the meat, select steaks that are one inch thick and that display white marbling patterns. White marbling is caused by streaks of fat, which ensure that the steaks you choose will be tender. Rib eyes have a great natural taste and are fine unseasoned. If you do want to add some flavor, most cooks recommend salt and pepper. Other choices include finely sliced fresh garlic or garlic powder or you can rub on a combination of dry oregano and basil.

How long you grill your rib eye depends upon how well you want it done. Whether a steak is cooked rare, medium rare or to any of the other three degrees of being done is determined by the internal temperature of the meat. It’s really up to you as to how red you like your steak. Here are the five degrees of doneness as determined by the internal temperature of the steak.

Five Cooking Temperatures for Steak:

  • Rare: Between 120-125 degrees. This steak is barely cooked. The outside looks light grey-brown and the inside is red and although not quite cold, calling it ‘warm’ is stretching it. Beef cooked to this degree is not considered to be safe for consumption.
  • Medium Rare: Between 130-135 degrees. The center of this steak is fully warm and red. This is the lowest level of done that’s acceptable to most restaurants.
  • Medium: Between 140-145 degrees. This is perhaps the most popular state of doneness for those who love the rib eye cut. The center is red and hot and the rest of the interior is pink. The outside is close to brown.
  • Medium Well: Between 150-155 degrees. This steak has an outside that is grey-brown and an inside that is light pink.
  • Well Done: Anything above 160 degrees. It has a grey-brown look throughout and is charred on the outside.
  • The best way to determine the internal temperature of your rib eye steak is by monitoring it with a digital meat thermometer. However, many people simply decide if their steak is ready by eyeballing it.

Did you ask, ‘How long do I grill my rib eye steak?’ Two to three minutes on each side will get it to rare and another two minutes on each side will result in the steak getting to the medium rare state. About seven minutes will take it to the medium level and nine to ten will serve up a medium well done piece of beef. How long do I grill a rib eye steak if I want it well done? The answer is 10 to 12 minutes on each side.

Remember, rib eye steak is tasty. If you want it to ‘moo,’ then opt for rare, but if you want to consume it in its most popular state, opt for medium. If you’re concerned about bacteria borne illness, then well done will ensure that the rib eye is essentially germ free.



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