In the U.S., there are two primary ways to cook a steak: over high heat or low heat.
To cook it over high heat, you can use a broiler, a skillet, hot coals of charcoal, or a gas grill on the hot side. When a steak is cooked in this manner, it’s called grilled. Grilling is a quick process, and the steak is typically cooked within 5 to 10 minutes.
On the other hand, to cook a steak over low heat, you can use a barbecue or campfire, moving the coals away from the grate where the meat is placed. The smoke from the wood or charcoal cooks the steak. This method is called indirect heating because the heat is not as intense as it would be if the steak were placed directly over the fire. The hot gases from the fire contribute to the cooking of the meat. In restaurants, steaks cooked over low heat are often placed in large brick or metal ovens, specifically designed for this purpose. When cooked this way, the steak is referred to as “barbecued.” The barbecuing process is slow, sometimes taking over an hour to complete.
Like grilling, barbecuing a steak can involve marinating the meat, applying a spice rub, or using a basting sauce.
Since most Americans associate barbecuing with cooking food on a barbecue grill, the instructions on how to barbecue a steak here will focus on using smoke to cook your steak on an outdoor barbecue.
Many food experts recommend placing a pan of water, usually in an aluminum tin, under the grate for the best results when smoking or barbecuing a steak. The steak should not be placed in the water but directly on the grate on the indirect heat side, or in an aluminum pan placed on the indirect heat side.
How to Choose the Right Wood Chips for Barbecuing
The final flavor of the barbecued steak depends on several factors: the type of steak chosen (tender cuts versus tougher cuts), the flavor added directly to the meat (such as rubs, marinades, or sauces), and the type of hardwood chips used for the barbecue.
How to Effectively Use Hardwood Chips
When learning how to barbecue a steak, you’ll spend some time learning about hardwood chips. The smoke flavor is partially created from these chips. Hardwood chips can vary in size, from fine chips to larger chips, pellets, or chunks. The size you select will determine how much you need to add to your barbecue. For fine wood chips, one to two tablespoons should suffice.
For wood chips, add about one cup at a time. You can use them dry or wet, and wrap them in aluminum foil to create a packet. Wet chips produce more smoke. Wood chips should be added every 45 minutes.
If you’re using wood pellets, about 1/3 cup is enough. Wrap them in foil packets, just like the wood chips.
When using wood chunks, which are typically two to three inches long, soak them in water for 30 minutes before placing them directly on hot coals. If you’re using a gas grill, stick with pellets or chips. Wood chunks should be added to the fire every 30 minutes.
By the way, avoid putting unwrapped wood chips in the bottom of the barbecue or directly on top of lava rocks, as the residues in the wood chips could end up blocking the holes in the gas burners.
Flavor of the Wood Chips
When deciding how to barbecue a steak, consider the smoky flavor you prefer. Mesquite wood produces the strongest smoke flavor, while hickory comes in second, providing a hearty flavor perfect for beef.
For a medium smoke flavor, use pecan or oak. Apple and cherry wood produce a sweet smoky flavor, which pairs better with pork or poultry. The light, aromatic smoky flavor of alder is great for seafood, but not for steak. All other types of wood should be avoided.
Now that you understand the basics of how to barbecue a steak, see part 2 for the next steps.
How To Barbecue a Steak, Part 2
After gathering all the tools needed for the barbecue—such as the steak, the barbecue itself, charcoal, wood chips, long-handled tongs, and a heavy-duty oven mitt—the next step is to light the fire. However, the fire must be at the right temperature to ensure the best-tasting steak.
To check if the barbecue is ready, hold your hand about 5 inches from the indirect side of the grill. If you can hold your hand there for 5 to 6 seconds, the fire is at the right temperature, and you’re ready to add the steak to the grate.
What About the Marinade?
Some barbecue experts recommend marinating the steak in the refrigerator the night before cooking to allow the flavors to fully develop. Others believe that marinating it 30 minutes before cooking is sufficient for the flavors to soak into the meat.
Some prefer to marinate the meat in a non-metallic bowl, covered, while others use a zip-lock bag. Either method should be done under refrigeration. Never leave the meat out at room temperature during marination, unless it’s for no more than 30 minutes, to avoid the risk of food poisoning.
Are Marinades Sauces?
As you learn how to barbecue a steak, you’ll realize that there’s a distinction between marinades and sauces. While some sauces can be used as marinades, leftover marinade from soaking the steak should never be used after cooking. This prevents potential foodborne illnesses, as anything that touches uncooked meat should not touch cooked meat.
When do you add sauces during the cooking process? It depends on your preference. Some chefs use the barbecue sauce as a marinade before cooking, and then apply the sauce again during the cooking process. Others prefer to wait until the steak is almost done and then brush the sauce on, allowing the natural flavor of the meat to come through first. This also prevents the sauce from burning, which is especially important for tomato-based sauces.
Close the Hood of the Barbecue During the Smoking Process
To maintain an even cooking temperature after placing the steak on the grate, it’s essential to keep the hood or lid of the barbecue closed. This helps to trap the heat inside, similar to how closing the oven door keeps the heat inside.
If the temperature drops, simply open the side vents or add more charcoal. If the temperature becomes too high, either close the lid (if it was open) or slightly close the side vents on a charcoal grill. Don’t do both, as this can cause the fire to go out.
For a gas grill, simply adjust the control knobs to a hotter or cooler setting.
Total Cooking Time
Most barbecue experts won’t give you an exact cooking time for a steak, as too many factors can influence the time needed. However, as a general guideline, allow 15 to 20 minutes for a rare steak, an additional 10 minutes for medium, and 20 minutes more for well done.
Learning how to barbecue a steak is a skill that’s worth perfecting. The more you experiment with it, the more you’ll discover your own variations and secrets to achieving the perfect barbecue.