How to Reduce Stress – Stress is Really a Life Skill

Man stressed at work

Stress! Very few people go a day without some form of stress in their lives. From one day to the next, it seems to follow us, snowballing into mountains of worry that rob us of freedom, happiness, and relaxation. Who has time to relax when there is so much to fret about? If the thought of sitting still long enough to read the newspaper, watch a movie, or listen to some calming music makes you anxious, it might be time to learn how to reduce stress in your life.

Psychologists admit that low doses of stressors are healthy and help us reach higher goals and accomplish more. The problem is that most people experience stress as an all-or-nothing emotion. When stress lingers just beneath the surface, ready to explode at any moment, it makes you moody, nervous, unhealthy, unhappy, and unstable. It also prevents you from finding the simple pleasures in life. You might spend your days and nights with a heightened sense of anxiety or an inner stirring that you can’t quite put your finger on. If you wake up at two in the morning and your mind immediately jumps to your to-do list, stress has become overwhelming.

The medical community links every chronic illness, pain, and disease to stress, and there is significant evidence suggesting that many disorders have emotional roots. People who are overloaded with stress often suffer from an inability to concentrate, loss of short-term memory, chronic infections like acne, boils, or sinus issues, as well as heart palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, muscle and joint pains, and weight or nutrition problems. The sad part is that few people realize there are two simple words that can make it all better: Just breathe!

Practical Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

There is no reason to live your life in “flight mode,” always on edge, waiting for the bottom to drop out. Not only is this unhealthy, but it also goes against the laws of attraction, which show that you reap what you sow (or think about). Ask yourself: What if everything is going to work itself out in time and be okay? Would you still waste your life succumbing to stress?

The time to change is now. There are many ways you can learn to reduce stress and eliminate the physical and mental symptoms you’re undoubtedly experiencing. Breathing is definitely one of them. You take millions of breaths every day without realizing it, but when you consciously inhale and exhale for three seconds, it has an immediate physiological effect on your body and mind. This simple action lowers your pulse, reduces blood pressure, and fills your lungs with life-giving oxygen. It has been proven to release endorphins, which are crucial for relaxation and reversing the physical symptoms of stress in the body and mind. All you have to do is inhale for three seconds, hold for three seconds, and then release for three seconds. Taking 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening to practice this can reduce stress immensely.

Another important lesson in reducing stress is to get active. It doesn’t matter what you enjoy doing, as long as it gets you moving. Where many people go wrong is by trying to incorporate complicated exercise routines, which only add more stress. Instead, take a walk, take a yoga class, or play the Wii with your children. One of the best ways to reduce stress is swimming. Water has a naturally soothing effect on the body, and when submerged, the body experiences comforting silence and peace. Laughing is another natural stress reliever. When you feel wound up, pop in your favorite comedy and let the laughter roll. No one can discount sex as a welcome way to release stress. Rather than feeling too stressed to have sex, use it as an enjoyable way to let go and relax. Sex can help with migraines, muscle tension, and, like other activities, it releases endorphins.

While alcohol and other drugs or stimulants are not recommended, enjoying a glass of red wine can help with stress. The anthocyanins in wine help the body relax and are heart-healthy, often lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Commit to enjoying a glass of red wine each night, listening to relaxing music, and just savoring the moment. If you find that stress in your life is at an all-time high, chances are you’re reaching for unhealthy foods, cigarettes, beer, endless cups of coffee, or other harmful substances. While these may offer temporary relief, they actually have the opposite effect on your body chemistry.

Learning how to reduce stress is truly a life skill. Take time to meditate, pray, and relinquish the false sense of control that you feel you have. There are higher powers working in your favor, and most of the time, our worries are much more extreme than the realities we face. Gratitude journals, setting goals, and fostering a positive attitude in both thought and speech can be transformative. Redirect your passions and make feeling happy a priority in your life. Whether it’s the dishes piling up in the kitchen or the bills waiting in the drawer, they’ll still be there later—unlike many other things in your life that won’t. When you really think about it, the things, people, or ideas causing you stress are not worth sacrificing your health or well-being over.



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