Is My Child Autistic – Look for the Warning Signs

young boy with paint on his hands

In March of 2012, the Centers for Disease Control estimated that 1 in every 88 children will eventually be diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Typically, this diagnosis isn’t confirmed until the child is at least 3 years old, though conditions like Asperger’s syndrome may not be identified until around 6. The degree to which children are affected varies greatly, with some autistic children scoring exceptionally high on standardized IQ tests.

The symptoms are often developmental in nature. Most parents begin to notice a delay in their child’s development by the age of 1 or 2. Many of these parents have a nagging feeling that something isn’t quite right as they compare their child to others of the same age. They may find themselves wondering, “Is my child autistic?” The problem is that many forms of ASD are so highly functional that doctors often dismiss parental concerns about development or behavior. Given that around 70% of parents at any given pediatrician’s office are there because of concerns about their child’s development (or lack thereof), it’s easy for doctors to overlook these worries.

However, for these parents, the feeling that something is off remains constant. One of the most insightful statements about autism comes from Anne Holmes, Director of Outreach Services at Eden Family of Services in Princeton, N.J. She says, “Parents have been diagnosing their children from early on. They know it, they feel it. They say to me all the time, ‘I just know something’s not right… the way he does this or the way he does that.’ And they’re right, usually!”

Nancy Wiseman, author of Could It Be Autism? and the mother of an autistic daughter, reflects on the biggest difference between parents of autistic and non-autistic children:

“As part of my work with First Signs, I’ve spent a lot of time talking with doctors and researchers about the differences between young children with developmental delays and those without them. Time and time again, they tell me about one crucial difference. Children with developmental delays have parents who are persistently worried about them. So, if you’re worried about how your child is developing, how they are learning and behaving, you should take your concerns seriously. It could be a warning sign!”

Through her own research and experience with autism, she emphasizes the importance of parents trusting their instincts and intuition above all else.

The most powerful advocate a child has is their parent. Studies have shown that parents from all educational, cultural, and economic backgrounds are able to recognize developmental warning signs. How do parents develop this incredible power of observation? Through watching their own children and comparing them to other children. As parents, we can often tell when our child is behaving differently from their peers. For many, a diagnosis of autism brings a sense of relief, validating their concerns.

The following bullet points highlight the common core symptoms of autism and autism spectrum disorder:

Note: Depending on your child’s age, other warning signs may arise that should prompt a conversation with your doctor.

  • Difficulty developing nonverbal communication skills, such as making eye contact, using facial expressions, or understanding body language.
  • Challenges in making friends with children their own age.
  • Lack of interest or indifference toward other people.
  • Difficulty understanding or showing empathy.
  • Delayed speech and communication skills. Around 40% of autistic children do not speak.
  • Repetitive use of language.
  • Excessive focus on specific parts of toys. It is common for young autistic children to fixate on one aspect of a toy rather than engaging with the toy as a whole.
  • A strong preference for routines and repetition. Difficulty handling changes to routine.
  • Engaging in repetitive behaviors such as rocking, hand-flapping, or displaying OCD tendencies.
  • Any form of developmental regression.

Regardless of age, children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder experience challenges in three key areas: verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions, and flexible thinking and behavior. The severity of these challenges can vary from person to person, and there are numerous approaches to treating and supporting autistic children. However, one fact remains clear: the earlier a child receives a diagnosis and intervention, the better their chances of developing essential skills.

If you have ongoing concerns about your child’s development, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor. Be aware that many doctors may take a “wait and see” approach before conducting any tests. Since research indicates that early intervention is most effective, you may need to seek a second opinion if you feel your concerns are being dismissed. Several specialized screening tests are now available to help parents obtain an earlier diagnosis. If there are any concerns following a screening, your child should see a specialist for further diagnostic assessment. This process may take time and involves a series of different tests, but the sooner you begin, the sooner you can start the road to intervention.

As a parent, remember that you are not alone. Today, there is a vast network of support from fellow parents, healthcare providers, and community organizations, all designed to help empower you in making the best decisions for your child’s future.



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