Kennel cough in dogs is a common and annoying condition that can affect any dog. Fortunately, despite the severe-sounding cough it produces, in most cases, it is a self-limiting disease and often runs its course without medical intervention.
Known also as bordetella or canine infectious tracheobronchitis, kennel cough is named for its high frequency of occurrence in facilities that house dogs, such as kennels and shelters. However, the name can be misleading, as a dog can develop kennel cough without ever having set foot in a kennel, shelter, or other facility due to its highly infectious nature.
Kennel cough is caused by a combination of three major infectious agents: the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica, and the viruses parainfluenza and adenovirus type II. These infections often work together, causing damage to and irritating the lining of the dog’s trachea and upper bronchii. While the damage to the tracheal lining is usually mild, nerve endings in the area become exposed to the air passing through the trachea, causing irritation and discomfort.
The spread of kennel cough is similar to the spread of the common cold in humans. The organisms can become airborne after being expelled by a coughing dog, carried in microscopic particles of dust and water vapor. A susceptible dog need only breathe in the infected air for the organisms to attach to the warm, moist lining of the trachea and upper airway, where they replicate and damage the cells they infect.
As kennel cough can spread through the air, it is extremely common in environments where dogs are confined together. Boarding kennels, animal shelters, dog shows—any place with many dogs is likely to harbor kennel cough.
Additionally, simply coming into contact with an infected dog can transmit the pathogens. Dog parks, doggy daycares, groomers—often an infected dog may spread kennel cough without anyone realizing it. For this reason, any dog that spends time with unfamiliar dogs should be vaccinated as a precaution against developing kennel cough.
Symptoms of Kennel Cough
The hallmark symptom of kennel cough is a repeated dry, hacking cough, often followed by retching. The cough may appear suddenly and then occur frequently throughout the day, especially when the dog gets excited, exercises, or pressure is applied to the throat or neck area (such as walking on a leash). Many owners become alarmed when hearing a dog with kennel cough for the first time, as the cough can have a “honking” quality, and the dog may be frequently interrupted from resting or eating by severe coughing fits.
The good news about kennel cough is that it almost always sounds much worse than it actually is. In fact, most dogs with kennel cough continue to eat, drink, maintain a normal energy level, and appear almost completely normal, aside from the annoying dry cough. In these dogs that feel fine despite their cough, often no medical intervention or medication is necessary. The disease typically lasts between 7 to 14 days, and without intervention, it will usually run its course, with the dog fully recovering.
Despite its often mild nature, some dogs—especially those under stress or with compromised immune systems—may develop more serious strains or complications. Without medical treatment, these dogs could develop a serious, life-threatening pneumonia due to the bacterial infection.
A veterinarian should examine any dog that appears to have kennel cough, as the symptoms can also be attributed to more serious illnesses, such as canine heartworm disease and cardiac disease. If your dog develops a fever, loses its appetite, becomes lethargic, or shows any other signs of illness, a veterinarian should examine your dog to determine if kennel cough is the cause and, if so, to ensure the dog isn’t suffering from secondary pneumonia.
Treating Kennel Cough
Treatment for kennel cough focuses on eliminating the causative bacteria and suppressing the cough to make the dog more comfortable. Since kennel cough is often caused by a combination of bacteria and viruses, treating mild cases with antibiotics may or may not be effective in speeding up recovery (as antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses). However, antibiotics can help prevent the disease from progressing into pneumonia, so your veterinarian may prescribe them if they feel your dog is at risk.
Bronchodilators, which open inflamed airway passages, and cough suppressants are often the most effective treatments for mild cases of kennel cough. These medications help minimize discomfort and coughing while the disease runs its course.
In dogs that develop severe cases of kennel cough or secondary pneumonia, additional medications and therapies may be necessary to assess and treat the infection.
Any dog that develops symptoms of kennel cough should be kept away from other dogs for at least 7 days after the cough has completely resolved. Dogs in the same household often pass the disease back and forth, so all dogs in the home should avoid being boarded, groomed, or visiting the dog park until they have fully recovered. Otherwise, they could spread the disease to other unsuspecting dogs.
The best way to prevent kennel cough is through vaccination, which contains both the parainfluenza virus and Bordetella bacteria. The intranasal vaccine (administered as nose drops, rather than the traditional injectable vaccination) has proven to be the most effective in minimizing the chances of your dog contracting kennel cough, as well as reducing the severity of symptoms if your dog does contract the disease.
Puppies as young as 3 weeks of age can receive the kennel cough vaccine, which is especially important because puppies’ undeveloped immune systems make them more susceptible to the disease and more likely to experience serious complications. Most veterinarians recommend administering the kennel cough vaccine, followed by a booster 3 to 4 weeks later. After that, the frequency of re-vaccination will depend on your vet’s recommendations, your dog’s activity level, and their potential exposure to other dogs.
While kennel cough can be an annoying condition for both you and your dog, routine vaccination can help minimize the chances of your dog developing it, and reduce the severity of symptoms if they do contract the disease.