If you have ever watched the movie Forrest Gump, then you can certainly understand the point of this article. Despite the many obstacles Forrest faced in his life, he was always able to make the best of every situation. He never focused on the negative and, as a result, seemed to always get the very best outcome possible. It wasn’t that Forrest was a “lucky man” or had everything he could ever need or want at his disposal. What made him able to capitalize on the good things in his life was his positive attitude and sense of responsibility to himself.
For many people, life feels like drudgery. Each day becomes a routine filled with despair or depression. Today, people complain about everything—from the lack of money in their wallets to their overall health. Yet, these same individuals who complain about not having enough money to take a fancy vacation are often spending their cash on twelve-packs of beer and high-interest credit cards. Those who complain about their health or how tired they are all the time may be eating junk food from fast food restaurants and spending their days sedentary. The bottom line is that life is what you make of it, and the quality of your life is largely shaped by your attitude and willingness to take responsibility.
Taking Responsibility for Your Life
In a society where anything is possible and nearly any dream can take flight with effort and perseverance, far too many of us are willing to give up. Instead of using our complaints and grievances as a catalyst for change, we use them as crutches that keep us stagnant. Complaining, whining, or even brooding over the things we are unhappy about is a complete and utter waste of time. The only way to break free from a mediocre life is to take charge and decide to make things better for yourself—right now.
It is easy to sit around and focus on how much your life sucks. It’s simple to find things to complain about. And the more you complain, the easier it becomes to feel depressed and get stuck in a rut. But no one is asking you to be a martyr. No one is forcing you to live in misery and lack. The only person who gets to decide the quality of your life is YOU. If you choose to believe that your life is a series of unfortunate events and that things will never improve, chances are, that is exactly what life will give you. But if you choose to believe that your circumstances can change and that you can achieve your goals, you will start moving forward.
On the other hand, if you decide that mediocrity is not good enough and, instead of wasting energy complaining and wallowing in self-pity, you take proactive steps to create change in your life, you can recreate your life. And the best part is that it’s easier than you think.
The first step is to realize that your thoughts become your reality. If you think something often enough, eventually, it will come true. The mind is an incredibly powerful force that can attract the things you constantly think and talk about. If you always focus on negative things and complain, your mind will bring experiences into your life that match your thoughts. To break free from a life that feels unfulfilled, you MUST start listening to the rhetoric in your mind. When negative, self-limiting thoughts enter your brain, fight them off and replace them with positive alternatives.
Listen to every thought you have. When you hear the nagging negative ones, find a way to turn them into something positive—immediately. For example, if you want to have a successful blog, rather than sitting back and complaining that you don’t know how to get started, fire up your computer and start doing some research. This way, your time and energy spent on complaints will be used more wisely. If you’re feeling depressed because you’ve gained weight, instead of wallowing, get off the couch and take a walk. No matter what negative thoughts or feelings you have about your life, there’s always a positive action you can take to counteract the effects of negativity and propel yourself into action.
It’s important to remember that no one has ever achieved anything by sitting around in a “my life sucks” mindset. In fact, some of the most successful and happiest people in the world have been driven to success by overcoming their obstacles. Keep in mind that obstacles are often “perceived” and can be changed whenever you decide to let them go. Many people are afraid to think positively or take action because they fear failure. But the truth is, there’s a good chance you won’t fail if you try. The most important thing is to get out of the mental rut that diminishes your ability to be truly happy and successful.
Life is what you make of it. If you choose to believe your life is miserable, then it will be. But if you choose to believe you can accomplish your goals, you will. If you dare to dream and take a risk on happiness and success, you’ll find that the things you want will begin to manifest.
YOU are in control of your life. Take control, and make things happen for yourself so that you can live up to your true potential.