Maintaining Your Body During Pregnancy

Fit mom during pregnancy

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard the term “eating for two” to describe pregnancy. For many women, this cliché has taken the guilt out of overindulging on too much food during pregnancy, which often results in gaining too much weight. According to the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the average acceptable weight gain for a woman of “average” weight is 25-35 pounds. For women who are overweight to begin with, doctors recommend less. And although you’re “eating for two,” the truth is that you only need about 300 extra calories per day to meet the nutritional needs of you and your baby. So eating that second Big Mac or indulging in two candy bars instead of one really isn’t the best way to interpret the “eating for two” concept. Maintaining your body during pregnancy is crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

Balancing Pregnancy Weight Gain

For one thing, the more weight you gain during pregnancy, the more difficult it will be to lose it after you have the baby. Fitting immediately back into those pre-baby jeans is often a pipe dream. Not only does your weight change, but your metabolism, BMI, and hormones do too, which can drastically affect your post-baby weight and your ability to lose it.

Many women who gain 50+ pounds during pregnancy never lose the extra weight. With subsequent pregnancies, that can result in a 10-15 pound permanent weight gain. These once “average-sized” women may find themselves overweight, fighting an uphill battle and risking the label of “letting themselves go” after pregnancy. This, of course, affects your self-esteem and well-being and can impact your relationship health as well.

The key is figuring out how to balance your pregnancy weight gain. While it is not ideal to gain too much weight, it is also not good to obsess about it. According to WebMD, the best way to ensure that you don’t let yourself go during pregnancy is to get your 300 extra calories per day from healthy foods. Forget the notion that you can eat double the portions because you’re eating for two, and focus on packing your diet with healthy foods rich in vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, and beneficial fats. These are what your growing baby needs to thrive. Additionally, remember that your placenta will take all the nutrients it needs first to nourish your baby. So the extra foods you’re eating are truly necessary to sustain your body during pregnancy.

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pay attention to your body during your check-ups with the obstetrician. If you’ve gained too much weight in a short period, this may signal that you need to adjust your diet. However, doctors do not advise dieting or skimping on meals during pregnancy, as this can have lasting negative effects on your growing baby.

In a Marie Claire poll, about 75% of women admitted to suffering from post-baby body woes after delivery. They also admitted that they “let themselves go” during pregnancy and gained too much weight. This is common for women, even those who were in good shape before pregnancy, because it’s the first time they feel that gaining weight is acceptable. Many women live within strict diet regimens before pregnancy, so once they get a sense of “breathing room,” they may go a little wild. As a result, they gain too much weight and struggle with weight loss after childbirth.

Pregnancy is a time to cherish your body. Embrace the growth and changes occurring within you, but also realize how important it is to nourish and care for your body. Your body is producing the miracle of life, and it should be treated with care. Choose your foods wisely, exercise regularly (with your doctor’s approval), and stay on top of any medical issues you may have. Instead of thinking you’re eating for two and doubling your food intake, ask yourself if what you’re eating is something you would want your child to eat. By focusing on health rather than weight gain, you can alleviate the stress and worry that comes with excessive weight gain and ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Realize that once you’ve had your baby, you’ll need to deal with any extra pounds that came from pregnancy. During a healthy pregnancy, your postnatal weight gain should be only 5-10 pounds. However, if you’ve overindulged, you could end up with an extra 10-50 pounds to lose after giving birth.

Bottom line: Eat wisely. Remember, pregnancy weight gain takes nine months, and it will likely take just as long to lose any excess weight. Taking care of yourself during pregnancy will be well worth it in the long run.



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