It’s Christmas Day, and while everyone else is enjoying the turkey feast, you decide to give your dog a special treat. The turkey gizzards and heart seem like a reasonable choice, so you cook them up in some of the drippings from the bird and mix the tasty concoction with his kibble. You forget, however, that you already let him lick the bacon pan from breakfast. Oh, and then there was the pig’s ear in his stocking from Santa that he gobbled down, along with the rawhide chew you left him with when you went to the in-laws’ for lunch. He dives into his kibble with the same happy gusto he had earlier with the bacon grease, the pig’s ear, and the rawhide chew — a dog who loves to eat.
A few hours later, you wake to the distinct sound of a dog about to vomit. You spring out of bed, hoping to save the carpet, and drag him just in time to the tile floor in the bathroom. Up comes everything in one big, stinky mess, along with a few drops of bright red blood! What the heck? It was only a bit of turkey gizzard and some grease! How could he be this sick?
Understanding Acute Intestinal Distress in Dogs
Acute intestinal distress is common in dogs. At some point, all dogs eat something they shouldn’t and end up with a stomach ache. Some dogs bounce back within a few hours, while others need medical attention, depending on the sensitivity of their gastrointestinal tract and the toxic levels of what they ate.
In the case of our dog on Christmas Day, it’s a two- or even three-fold problem. First, there was the amount of fat ingested throughout the day, which was exacerbated by the high preservative levels in the bacon and pig’s ear, as well as the quantity of food consumed.
Eating too much fat or grease can lead to pancreatitis — a condition where the enzymes produced in the pancreas are activated while still in the gland, instead of in the stomach where they are supposed to aid in digestion. The activated enzymes begin to digest the pancreas itself, causing pain, swelling, and tenderness. Symptoms include a lack of appetite, frequent vomiting, and diarrhea (with or without blood), increased thirst, and overall weakness or inability to walk. Dehydration is common in dogs with pancreatitis due to vomiting and diarrhea. At the onset, the dog’s temperature may be above normal, but as dehydration sets in, their body temperature may drop below normal. Unfortunately, these signs aren’t unique to pancreatitis, and your vet will need to run blood tests to confirm the condition.
Other causes of acute pancreatitis include bacterial and viral infections, as well as trauma. Chronic pancreatitis is often caused by obesity. Hyperlipidemia — elevated fat levels in the blood — is normal for a short period after eating. However, pancreatitis can develop if the levels spike due to ingesting a large quantity of fat or from a chronic condition where the body is unable to metabolize or “clear” the fat from the bloodstream, both in pets and humans.
Treating a Dog with an Upset Stomach
No matter the cause, your pet requires treatment from a veterinarian. For a full diagnosis, your vet will want to know what your pet has consumed over the last few days, including whether they’ve eaten or drunk anything suspicious while out on a walk, as bacterial infections can develop from contaminated water or ingesting dead animals. Diagnostic lab work will include measuring the levels of white blood cells, cholesterol, amylase, and the digestive enzyme lipase in the blood.
The most important treatment for pancreatitis is to withhold all food, water, and oral medications for anywhere from 24 hours to five days, depending on the severity of the pancreatitis. Anything entering the stomach can trigger the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes, and the pancreas is especially sensitive during this time.
Dehydration is a major concern with pancreatitis, so fluids must be administered intravenously or subcutaneously (under the skin). All medication will also be introduced this way to minimize stimulation to the pancreas.
Once your dog is stable, highly digestible, low-fat food is gradually reintroduced — typically starting with a teaspoon every two hours in severe cases. If the food stays down and no diarrhea develops, your vet will provide specific feeding instructions to follow once your pet returns home.
Once a pet suffers from pancreatitis, it becomes more prone to developing it again or to developing chronic pancreatitis. Small, frequent meals of moderate- to low-fat food are recommended, as well as maintaining your pet at an ideal weight. Avoiding table scraps, high-fat foods, and over-processed treats full of preservatives (like bacon and pig’s ears) will help keep your pet happy and healthy for years to come. Long-term dietary management is key to preventing this potentially chronic condition and ensuring the overall well-being of your four-legged companion.
It’s Christmas Day the following year, and you decide to give your dog a treat once again. The gizzard and heart from the big bird look tasty, with no visible fat, so you boil them in a bit of water, mince the meat, and add a small amount to your dog’s kibble over the next few meals, spreading out the treat while avoiding last year’s disaster. Your faithful companion gobbles down the kibble with a wag of his tail, his doggy way of saying “thank you,” and “Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!”