In the last five years, many women have expressed a desire for a natural childbirth experience. They wish to forgo traditional methods of pain relief to feel every pressure and labor pang, immersing themselves completely in the act of giving birth. Others, however, are fearful of a completely natural childbirth and are more than happy to accept an epidural when their doctor recommends it. With this bravery, it raises the question: Is natural childbirth healthier and safer?
First, it’s important to define natural childbirth. Many people consider natural childbirth to be the complete absence of any medical intervention, including hospitals or physicians. These women may prefer to deliver at home or in a birthing center designed for an aquatic or natural birthing environment. Some may choose to deliver at home with a doula or midwife by their side. Other forms of natural childbirth simply mean the absence of pain medication throughout labor. For the purposes of this article, we will discuss the non-use of pain medications, allowing women to handle labor and childbirth through vaginal delivery.
By many accounts, natural childbirth is considered a healthier option for both mom and baby. Many medications used in epidurals or spinal blocks are opium derivatives that can linger in the bloodstream and eventually reach your unborn child. While the effects may be minimal, newborns may be less lively and have slightly more difficulty breathing due to the dopamine effects of the analgesics used. In some cases, the effects on a newborn can be more noticeable, taking several hours to a few days to wear off. Another undesirable side effect of pain-reducing medications during birth is that they can stall labor. As the muscles relax, they may be less likely to produce strong, progressive contractions, leading a woman to feel less. This can result in additional medical interventions, such as IV Pitocin or other stimulatory drugs to restart labor. In a worst-case scenario, stalled labor can cause fetal distress, prompting doctors to perform an emergency C-section.
It’s also important to consider that millions of women have given birth naturally throughout history. While undeniably painful, the pain is something that can be managed; often, it is the fear of childbirth that provokes heightened responses in many women. When you take a moment to realize that natural childbirth is, indeed, natural, and affirm your ability to make it through, you can greatly reduce both your apprehension and your pain. The human body is intricately designed to produce hormonal and chemical responses to pain, and if no pain medication is given, this innate bodily function takes over. There is a certain protection of both mind and body that enables humans to endure such severe pain. When we interfere with this function by artificially supplying our bodies, we have to wonder what other natural rhythms might be disrupted.
Another important factor about natural childbirth that many women overlook is the sense of control it offers. As a society, we have become so dependent on doctors and hospitals that we sometimes forget about the control we have over our bodies. Many women feel cheated in their birth experiences when they cannot feel the baby’s descent or the head breach the vaginal canal. With epidurals and spinal blocks, you are essentially numb, feeling only pressure and being restricted from moving around or getting off the hospital bed. Since many back labor pains can be alleviated by changing positions, and some births may occur more easily in a squatting position, many options become impossible if you choose not to pursue natural childbirth. While you may not want to feel every single thing happening, you do want to feel that you participated in and experienced childbirth.
For many groups, natural childbirth is viewed as the only way to go. After spending nine months connected to your growing child, it’s only natural and human to want to see that experience to fruition. Yet, not everyone feels this way, and there’s no shame in that. Over the last few years, there has been a growing number of women who schedule C-sections and opt for labor induction, asking for the epidural as soon as possible. This choice is perfectly valid; your birth experience is personal to you.
It’s crucial to understand the facts surrounding natural childbirth, and you should always keep your options open. Doctors often assume that no woman in her right mind would want to feel childbirth, overlooking the fact that each person is an individual. As an informed patient and mom-to-be, you have the ultimate right to make decisions about your birth. You may find alternative options that offer a balance of both natural and medical approaches that are safer for you and your baby. Childbirth is not something you can redo, and while you can’t predict everything (which is why it’s wise to consider a hospital setting), you should be open to whatever it takes to make the experience memorable and fulfilling for you. Whether you choose natural childbirth or not, it’s your decision, and whatever feels right for you is what matters!