Obesity – When Weight Become a Big Problem

two plus size women

There is a new epidemic in the United States – one that predisposes individuals to depression and a slew of diseases, several of which can be deadly. Before World War II, it was hardly an issue, but today, it’s one of the nation’s top public health concerns. What is this epidemic? Obesity.

According to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, only four states in America have an obesity rate lower than 20%. That means people living in the 46 remaining states are at serious risk of suffering from the harmful effects of obesity, as anywhere from 20% to 34% of them are severely overweight. This endemic, unique to the 21st century, is most prevalent in Louisiana, Mississippi, and West Virginia. To get a better picture of how grave the problem is, consider that as of 2004, 17.1% of children ages two to nineteen were overweight, and 32.2% of adults were obese.

But what is obesity? What are its causes and consequences? And more importantly, what can be done about it?

The Changing Perception of Obesity

During the Stone Age, early humans crafted artifacts – typically made of clay – that resembled figures of obese females, implying that such images were revered. Historians speculate that if a woman had more than a few extra pounds, she was perceived as fertile and less likely to die during a famine. This positive association with obesity continued into the 1600s, when big and buxom women were considered the wealthiest members of society. Furthermore, overweight women were viewed as sexy and attractive – a far cry from today’s standard of beauty in America. From magazines to runways, American models have one thing in common – they are all thin, sometimes dangerously so.

In contrast, obesity is often made a joke in film and television, and those who suffer from its inevitable physical health problems also face a biting social stigma. According to Hollywood, overweight people are often portrayed as dumb, lazy, or wicked. Think of the character Ursula in The Little Mermaid, Chris Farley’s persona in films like Tommy Boy, the intimidating mafia members in The Godfather, and the use of fat characters as punchlines in films like The Nutty Professor. These are just a few examples of how obese people are negatively depicted in the media.

Naturally, one might assume that this change in attitude toward obesity would result in fewer people being obese today. But the opposite is true, at least in America. Some modern cultures, such as those in Africa and India, still value heavier women. However, in the United States, where obesity is frowned upon, it also happens to be the most widespread.

As a result, the obese are not only at an increased risk of everything from sleep apnea to heart failure to cancer, but also at risk of harboring a poor self-image that often leads to depression.

In order to solve the problem of obesity in America, one must first understand what it is. So, what is the definition of obesity? It is not to be confused with being overweight. In fact, being slightly overweight can actually increase your lifespan! To determine if you are obese, you must calculate your body mass index (BMI), which compares your height and weight. A BMI below 18.5 indicates that you are underweight. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal and healthy, while a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. But if your BMI exceeds 30, you are not just overweight – you are obese. (Note that the BMI for children and teenagers differs.)

Calculating BMI is not always the most accurate way to determine body fat, however, as it only estimates fat percentage and cannot precisely measure it. For instance, people who exercise frequently may have a lot of muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat! Calculating your BMI is a good starting point, but it’s best to consult a physician if you are concerned about whether or not you have a weight problem.

So, how does a person become obese? Obviously, when you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight. The more imbalanced this ratio is, the more likely you are to become either underweight or overweight. But this doesn’t entirely explain the rising obesity trend seen in the United Kingdom and especially in the United States. Why are people eating too much and exercising too little?

First of all, developed nations tend to have a more affluent population. Citizens of the United Kingdom and the United States can afford to eat more and are not forced to endure much physical labor. If food is affordable and physical activity seems unnecessary, then obesity can thrive. However, there is a countertrend: the least wealthy in America are also the heaviest. It seems that wealth and education contribute to a healthier diet and more regular exercise. Perhaps this is because fast food – which is cheap, convenient, but nutritionally poor – is especially tempting for those with lower incomes. The poorer segments of American society may also have less time for outdoor activities that burn calories.

Genetics can put some people at greater risk for obesity. There are even correlations between weight and race. But it is the combination of one’s genes, environment, and behavior that has the most impact. Biologists speculate that humans evolved to store fat efficiently as a way to survive famines. However, this evolutionary trait may have backfired on Americans, who now live in a food-rich society with less need for physical activity, yet still have a predisposition to store fat.

Whatever the cause – whether it is a self-indulgent TV dinner culture, maladaptive behavior, or all of the above – obesity has serious health consequences. These include high blood pressure and cholesterol levels (which can lead to severe complications), osteoarthritis, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, and even colon, endometrial, and breast cancer. And that’s not all. There is also a significant toll on an obese person’s mental wellbeing.

Additionally, it is not just the obese individual who suffers – but the nation’s economy as well. Obesity has taken a toll on America’s healthcare system. Whether looking at the direct medical expenditures for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of obesity, or the decreased productivity resulting from a significant obese population, the economic costs are undeniable. At the national level, medical costs associated with obesity and overweight problems exceeded $78 million from 1996 to 1998. At the state level, the figure was around $75 million from 1998 to 2000.

The United States now appears to be committed to combating the obesity epidemic. However, there is much work to be done, as so many contributing factors lead to overeating in America. From aggressive fast food marketing to an overwhelming number of television channels, it’s hard to lure Americans off their couches and into their kitchens. The government is working to communicate the dangers of obesity to the American public, as creating an informed population is the first step toward addressing the problem.

Moreover, since bad habits of eating and exercise begin at an early age, education in primary and secondary schools is key. It’s also vital that school cafeterias offer nutritious food options. However, once a child leaves the school system and enters adulthood, they are likely to end up in a sedentary desk job. Therefore, there is a movement to encourage employers to create more physically active work environments and for communities to build more recreational facilities. Another critical step the government must take is to support scientific research focused on understanding the causes of and solutions to obesity.

But above all, there is the issue of individual responsibility. A few simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference for those struggling with weight issues. By eating out less and working out more, you can lose weight quickly. But regular physical activity doesn’t have to mean going to the gym every day. Engage in everyday activities that don’t feel like exercise – such as doing household chores, walking your dog, playing ball with your child, or gardening. These activities can significantly increase your exercise levels.

And remember, it’s not how much you eat that matters – it’s what you eat and how many calories you consume. One fast food meal can have over 1,000 calories! Why not make a home-cooked meal that has half the calories and is also more nutritious and filling? It may take more time to prepare, but is the time you save at a fast food restaurant worth the time you might lose down the road if you continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle?

Obesity is a real problem in America, but it is also commonly misunderstood. If people gain access to educational resources and related health services, they may stop gaining that extra weight and live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Sixty million Americans are suffering from obesity today, and that number is only expected to grow – but it doesn’t have to! The alarming increase in obesity has occurred in just the last 20 years, which means it could likely decrease in the same timeframe. People must be properly informed about the causes and consequences of being significantly overweight, and the government must continue taking action to prevent and treat obesity.



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