You have a brand new puppy, and you’re certain that he is the absolute cutest thing you have ever seen. But that whole business of doing his business on the carpet has already gotten old—and it’s just the first day.
You know you have a little while to go before he is completely housebroken, but you don’t have time to keep cleaning the floor three or four times a day. Consider paper training your puppy. Not only will it make cleanup a lot easier, but paper training can also help simplify the process of housebreaking your new pet.
Puppy training pads can be purchased at most pet supply stores. These pads are great because they absorb the mess along with much of the unpleasant odor. Messes cannot soak through the pads, so your floors or carpets are completely protected. The only downside is that the pads are not reusable, so you’ll need to continue purchasing pads until the puppy is housebroken.
There are premium pads available, but they come at a premium price. Store-brand pads are much cheaper and work just as well as the more expensive ones. If puppy pads are not in your budget, you can accomplish pretty much the same thing by using plain old newspaper.
While newspaper is better for your budget, there is a downside. It is possible for messes to soak through the paper and get on your floor or carpet. Additionally, cleanup will be a bit more challenging with newspaper compared to puppy pads.
Other than these differences, paper training is the same whether you use newspaper or puppy pads. Below is a quick guide on how to paper train your puppy.
Steps to Paper Train Your Puppy
Placement of the Paper/Pads
You should place the pad in one spot (until you begin moving it as described in Step 3). This helps the puppy learn exactly where to go when he needs to eliminate.
Show Him What the Paper/Pads Are For
Some puppy pads are already scented to attract your dog to them as a spot to eliminate. If you’re using unscented pads or newspaper, you can achieve the same effect by placing feces from the puppy on the paper or pad. When he eliminates in other parts of the house, gently pick him up and place him on the paper/pad.
Give Frequent Potty Breaks
Ideally, you should let your puppy outside every 2-3 hours. This isn’t always possible, but you should let him outside as often as possible. As he gets older, he will be able to ‘hold it’ longer, but puppies are not yet able to do so.
Confine the Puppy While You Are Away
Do not let your puppy have free run of the house while you’re away. Instead, confine him in a crate that is big enough for him to stand up and turn around in, but not much bigger. Puppies generally do not like to eliminate in the place where they sleep, so if you give them too big of a crate, they may sleep at one end and eliminate at the other. By putting your puppy in a smaller crate, he is more likely to wait to be let outside to go potty. If you choose not to crate train your puppy, use baby gates to confine him to the room where the paper/pads are located. That way, he will at least have the option of using the paper while you’re away. As soon as you come home, the first thing you should do is let the puppy outside.
Begin to Move the Paper/Pad
Once you see that your puppy is using the paper/pads consistently, you can begin moving the pad closer to the door that you use when you let your dog outside. Every few days, move the pad a little closer to the door. Eventually, you can move the pad outside.
Dealing with Mistakes
Don’t expect perfection, and don’t be surprised if your puppy makes a few mistakes, even after several days of doing great. Don’t yell at, hit, or otherwise punish your puppy when he makes a mistake. Instead, say “no” in a firm voice and move the puppy to the paper/pad. This is only effective if you catch the puppy in the act. If you find the mess after the puppy has moved on, simply clean it up and continue with the training.
While you are training, you shouldn’t just let your puppy outside by himself. Always go outside with him and make a big deal out of it anytime he goes to the bathroom outside. Lots of verbal praise and some treats should do the trick. Also, when you let the puppy outside, use a verbal cue such as “Go potty.” Be consistent with whatever phrase you choose, and the puppy will begin to associate that cue with going potty.
Before long, your new puppy will be completely housebroken. But there’s another benefit to paper training. For dogs that must be alone at home for long periods of time, paper training provides a designated spot for them to eliminate. Once properly trained to use the paper or pads, they will not eliminate on the floor. When you’re home, simply remove the pad or paper from the floor, and they will wait for you to let them outside to do their business.
Paper training and housebreaking your puppy may not be the most pleasant aspects of dog ownership, but with consistency and lots of praise, you and your puppy can master it in no time!