Photographing the Birth of Your Child – Pros and Cons

newborn baby boy

As if sending out birth announcements isn’t enough of a warm way to welcome and officially announce your little one to the world, birth photography is now trending globally. This means that your birth announcement doesn’t just have to include a beautiful airbrushed photo of your little one sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a pink or blue blanket. It could also show the world the first-ever picture of your baby’s head as it crowns during delivery. Gross? Or beautiful?

The Question is This: Should You Photograph Birth?

The reality is that the correct answer to that question depends on the personality of the mother. For centuries, birth was a closely guarded event, only tended to by physicians and the closest family members. Birthing plans used for decades have long included a section about what (and who) the expectant parents want to see in the delivery room. Many women felt, and still feel, that what goes on in the delivery room is a sacred event—one that will live on forever (whether photographed or not) in the hearts and minds of the happy parents and family members. Other moms, perhaps less protective of their privacy, invite nearly anyone into the room to catch the first bloody glimpses of their newborn as they make their grand entrance into the oxygen-infused world.

Birth photography is becoming ‘almost’ as popular as wedding photography and has recently formed its own professional organization called the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers. To date, they have over 500 members. Most renowned birth photographers have videos and pictures available on their websites, used with permission from birthing mothers to showcase the marvel of the human birthing experience.

The truth is, parents today want to preserve all the moments of life with high-tech devices and technology, so it only makes sense that new parents would be excited about the prospect of hiring pricey on-call photographers to take both pictures and videos of the birth. In one respect, it makes perfect sense. The mother, so busy with the actual physical birthing process, doesn’t always have the opportunity to sit back and revel in the miracle that’s taking place. Between labor pains and hovering doctors, she often misses out on the grand arrival. And holding a mirror to the nether region isn’t quite as revealing as watching the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to bring a human into the world. Preserving the experience for her to revisit at a later time can be a healthy way for new moms to experience their own births in a new light.

Plus, while even the squeamish may shy away from the blood and gore that comes standard in a delivery room, being able to record your facial expressions the first time you meet your son or daughter, seeing the reactions of loved ones, hearing the first cries of your baby, and witnessing the reality of birth through the eyes of a birth photographer can be seen as a beautiful, momentous keepsake. At least for some people. The birth of a child is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Yes, it’s beautiful. Yes, it’s a miracle. Yes, it’s amazing. Is it photo-worthy? Only you can decide.

According to statistics, around 87% of all delivering mothers have some form of cameras in the delivery rooms. Smartphones are fast becoming the most popular way to capture pictures on the go, and most women have some record of the delivery room. Of course, many of these pictures are not ones they want to see again, while others are heartwarming shots of the first kiss. These pictures are different from hiring an actual birth photographer. A birth photographer is typically a perfect stranger—a professional—who will stand on call and take candid shots during the delivery process. Their job is no different from that of a wedding photographer, and they may get some up-close and personal shots of the birthing process. While some of the pictures may be heartwarming and beautiful, others may be photo-bombed by shots of blood and gushing umbilical cords. However, in the end, after editing and photoshopping, the ability to hold onto the delivery room memories can be a very warm, first recorded moment.

As expected, birth photography comes with a hefty price tag. Not only are the birth photographers on call once hired, but some are rumored to charge around $3,000 or more. For many expectant parents, this is the deciding factor in whether birth photography is right for them. If you cannot afford a birth photographer, perhaps a trusted friend or family member can step in and capture some intimate shots (sans the vaginal crowning) of the first moments of your child’s life.

The birth of any baby is a personal and intimate experience for the expectant parents. Whether you want to preserve it or keep the moment to yourself is completely up to you. At least now, in an age where anything is possible, expectant parents have choices. To film or not to film—that is the question.



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