Raising a Confident Dog: Understanding Fear Periods in Puppies
Fear periods and understanding how a puppy develops are critical in raising a stable dog. Unfortunately, few breeders or new puppy owners understand how to raise a confident dog and the importance of fear periods.
A confident pup starts with a confident brood bitch. Her behavior often mirrors that of her offspring, and if she is a shy, hesitant bitch that startles easily, there is a good chance that her pups will be similar. While behavior is partially genetic, it is also learned. If mom reacts to loud noises, her babies will likely react in a similar fashion. A confident bitch will raise confident pups.
Pups are born with only one sense: the sense of smell. They spend the first few weeks sleeping and eating, reacting only when mom walks away or steps on them. Interaction with humans is essential at this stage. It causes a mild stress reaction, but that stress is beneficial, helping them develop into stronger, well-adjusted adults.
At about three weeks of age, their eyes open, and their eyesight gradually improves. They also begin to hear around this time and transition from crawling to walking. They start interacting more with their mother and siblings and will begin to react favorably to familiar humans. Oddly, there is very little fear during this period. While they may complain and huddle together when mom leaves the nest, they do not react fearfully to loud noises or sudden movements.
The First Fear Period and Its Impact on Development
The first fear period begins at five weeks old and peaks between eight and ten weeks of age. This period also coincides with the first big adventures the pup will experience—its first car ride, visits to the vet, and leaving the litter to go to its new home. Any traumatic event during this critical stage can imprint on the pup’s brain, potentially leading to a fearful dog.
The next fear period occurs between six and eight months of age. This one tends to be worse than the first—perceived traumas are more significant, and the impact on the pup’s behavior is greater. This period also often aligns with the time when the pup is spayed or neutered and begins obedience training.
So, what can you do to prevent your pup from becoming a fearful dog? Start by considering the brood bitch. Does she seem stable and confident? Is she friendly, outgoing and intelligent? Is she a good mother, disciplining her pups when needed, playing with them periodically, checking on them, and generally interacting with the litter?
Next, consider the litter. They should be curious, friendly, happy, playful, and interacting well with their siblings.
Question the breeder about their practices for vaccines, vet visits, and socialization. The first car ride should happen at the beginning of the fear period, ideally to a ‘happy’ destination like a friend’s backyard for a play session. The first vet visit should also occur around this time and should be a positive experience—just a quick check-up, with no vaccinations or painful procedures. The more the pups are exposed to positive experiences in their environment, the less fearful they will be as adults.
When is the best age to bring your new pup home? Most breeders recommend eight weeks, but this can coincide with the peak of their first fear period. Although the period between eight and ten weeks is one of the best times to bring a new pup home, it might be better to leave them with the breeder and their mother until they are a bit older. Consider taking the pup home for a few hours each day for several days, so their first night away is less traumatic. Gradually ease them into their new life.
At ten weeks old, the first fear period typically ends, and your pup should be ready to face the world. The more they are exposed to positive experiences at this stage, the better adjusted they will be in the future. During the next fear period, aim to shelter your pup from traumatic incidents—have them spayed or neutered at four months of age. There is no harm in doing this early, and in fact, early spay and neuter are becoming preferred for several reasons.
If, despite all your efforts, your dog ends up fearful, or if you have adopted a fearful dog, there is much you can do to help them recover. Exposing them to what scares them in a safe, supportive manner will help. Take the fear of the vet, for example. If a dog has only been to the vet for vaccines, nail clipping, and ear cleaning, they will likely develop negative associations with the vet, the staff, and the building. Start by taking the dog to the vet once a week for a ‘meet and greet.’ Have the staff and vet give the dog a treat and pet them, then leave. This quick, positive visit does not involve anything scary. Avoid forcing the dog too much or coddling them. Stay positive yourself and ignore the dog’s fear—this way, they will take your cue that there is nothing to fear. Over time, they will associate the vet with these happy visits rather than just with negative experiences. This method should also be applied to young pups, but make sure to call ahead to check for any infectious animals in the building within the last 48 hours to prevent disease exposure.
Fearful dogs can be a challenge, but with patience and consistent effort, they can overcome their fears and thrive.