Sexual Healing: The Leading Edge of Personal Growth

Have you done a ton of healing and personal growth work and yet still feel disconnected from your sexuality? I had this exact experience after going through several years of therapy and a variety of personal growth workshops in the late 1990’s. I had to face the fact that none of the work I had done so far addressed my sexual wounding. It was back to the drawing board.

The Miracle of Sexual Healing

Then, by some miracle, I found my way to a school that taught high-integrity sexual healing. I took a weekend for women, signed on for the 2-year certification program, and never left. I moved quickly through the ranks from student to assistant to teacher to administrator to director of the school until it closed in 2012. A few months later, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The tools I had gained from my sexual healing and awakening work helped me clear cancer quickly, joyously, and with tremendous ease.

Making it Accessible

I’ve traveled around the country offering workshops in Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing. Consequently, I’ve noticed that the need for accessible sacred sexual healing workshops is much more powerful and compelling at this time than ever before.

Clearing Lifetimes of Trauma

Because we bring a ceremonial element to the work, it is quite multi-dimensional. What that means is that natural altered states of consciousness become accessible. Subtle altered states often lead to visions of past lives being healed and assistance from higher guidance. Ancestral trauma can be cleared in a very short space of time. These are just a few examples of what’s possible even in a very short, fully clothed sexual healing session.

Powerful, Safe, Feminine

The fully clothed sexual awakening and healing work is the most powerful, safe, and accessible sexual healing modality available today. I love teaching this work and witnessing the miracles that people experience as a result of loving, healing energy work with permission and no agenda is brought to their bodies, including their lower chakras. Leaving out the lower chakras has been the missing piece in all the other healing modalities. The lower chakras have been strictly off limits, and that’s totally appropriate. 

Bring on the Blessings

It’s time for something new and I’m here to bring it! I love teaching the AH Practice, which I have been immersed in since 2005. This practice helped me fully heal my sexuality and attract an amazing and beautiful beloved relationship into my life. It’s time for this potent work to be available to everyone who wants to live a fully integrated life.

About the Author:
Amrita Grace is fiercely committed to guiding spirit-led women into their authentic, embodied personal power. Join the Feminine Sexual Empowerment Movement and learn how you can magnetize connected, passionate, supportive, relationships and the abundance to realize your dreams.

Claim your valuable free gift from the award-winning, bestselling author of “Reclaiming Aphrodite-The Journey to Sexual Wholeness” and Director of The Sacred Feminine Mystery School® at



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