Preparing for the Final Year: A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Your Child in Grade 12

Young man in a blue blazer

The presumed end of public education begins when your child starts 12th grade. 12th grade, also known as the “senior year,” is a time of great change for both your child and you, as they will officially be entering the threshold of adulthood. As a parent, it can be a difficult time for you as you imagine your child growing up and going away to spread their wings and fly. The key is knowing how to help them spread their wings, and giving them both permission and your blessing to begin thinking about what they want out of life during their 12th grade year.

For most kids, high school is a time of finding one’s path in life. Once they enter their freshman year, the education system encourages children to start thinking about their future. By 12th grade, the three previous years of soul-searching and developing personal interests and passions culminate. As a parent, there are several things you can do to help your child move forward fearlessly.

Helping Your Child Prepare for Life After High School

  • Expose your child to many different options after high school. College is not the right path for every child, no matter how badly a parent might want it to be. If your child is not interested in pursuing higher education at this point, help them explore other options. Traveling, going on mission trips, getting a job for a year, or attending a trade or technical school are all valid options that will advance your child’s future. Often, one year in the “real world” helps an older teenager focus more clearly on their goals and dreams.
  • Begin giving them space and responsibility. Your child is likely able to drive now. The 12th grade year is often about celebrating the end of a chapter. This will be a bittersweet time in their lives, and it’s important that you let them go and allow them to become responsible for themselves. By doing so, whether they go to college or participate in an exchange program, you will feel better about their ability to be mature and make responsible choices. They will also feel empowered. Be more lenient with curfews and use this year as a time to allow them to make their own decisions and experience the consequences of those decisions.
  • If you haven’t already, allow them to take on financial responsibility. This is a good time for them to start paying for their car insurance, contributing to household bills, and getting their cell phone in their own name.
  • Start applying for scholarships and financial aid. If your child is planning to go to college, this is the year to begin filling out forms and paperwork to ensure they can afford it. Most secondary schools require that students have these forms completed before January 1st of their senior year to be considered.
  • Sit down and talk to a career and educational counselor at their school TOGETHER. Most schools have systems in place to work with students throughout high school to help them plan for their future. At the beginning of 12th grade, sit down to evaluate progress, credit hours, and any other needs related to degree programs or career development. You may also consider helping your student start their collegiate career early or involve them in a work-release program that could help them secure employment during their senior year and afterward.
  • Look for internships. Your student should be involved in searching for and securing internships. If they have a specific interest, they should contact organizations offering internships and submit applications. This is a lengthy process that should be completed during the 12th grade year.
  • Ensure they take all required standardized tests. Most students take tests like the SAT or ACT during high school. It’s important to register for these tests at least twice during senior year (and before January 1st) so that your child’s highest scores can be considered. If your child is college-bound, these test results will be necessary for college applications. Most schools begin signing up students for tests during the registration process or over the summer before 12th grade. If your child has previously taken the tests but didn’t score well, consider working with a tutor during the summer and early fall to help them improve.
  • Help them complete college applications! Encourage your child to apply to multiple colleges. Set aside time for you and your teenager to visit campuses so they can get a feel for the atmosphere and determine where they feel most comfortable.
  • Emphasize that working hard during 12th grade is crucial. Even if they’ve already been accepted into a college or career path, it’s important they continue to do well academically. Colleges, internships, and other post-education opportunities will consider the 12th grade year when evaluating eligibility.
  • Encourage your child to seek leadership roles and get involved in after-school and extracurricular activities. Whether they are headed to college or into the workforce, they will need skills that set them apart. A well-rounded resume will help them stand out.
  • Don’t be too forceful! Remember, this is a time of great change for your child. At their age, it is not entirely realistic to expect them to know exactly what they want to do in life. Their vision of the world is still developing. Be patient, and support them as they explore their interests.
  • Prepare for an empty nest! Starting 12th grade marks the beginning of the end for both you and your child. It’s important for you to prepare yourself emotionally as well. Start pursuing your own passions and interests so that you won’t be overwhelmed by the change when your child leaves (or moves on). This will help you avoid burdening them with your difficulty in letting go.



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