Taking Care of Your Skin

As you get older, the days of going to bed with full makeup are left behind. With each wrinkle and blemish that occurs, you realize that your skin is something much more important than the clothes you wear. In fact, your skin is the largest organ of your body. Yes, it is an organ and it has certain nutritional requirements and practices in order to remain healthy. And healthy skin, makes you look better. Take a look at someone who smokes or who never washes or moisturizes his or her skin as opposed to someone who does and you will see that there is a big difference.

Luckily, with the knowledge of today, taking care of your skin doesn’t have to be difficult. There are millions of skincare products available for you to choose from, some expensive and others not, aimed at helping you keep the appearance of youthful looking skin. Before you choose a product, you should definitely do some research and make sure that it fits your needs and budget. Quite often, you will find that the drug store variety of skin care will suffice just fine.

The first thing you should know about taking care of your skin is how to wash it. Your body, should be exfoliated daily using a sponge or brush designed just for that. However, hard scrubbing on the sensitive skin of your face will actually cause your skin to wrinkle more quickly. Instead, use alcohol free cleaners that help to clean out the pores and are gentle. In other words, you shouldn’t feel sore after washing your face. In fact, many of the skin care products you use that are too astringent or course will actually cause broken capillaries. You definitely should wash off your makeup and refrain from wearing it when it really isn’t necessary. Make-up has a tendency to build up in your pores causing them to expand and become more noticeable.

Your next step is ultimately important as well. Moisturizing is a critical part of taking care of your skin. It should be done at least daily and more so if you live in an extremely dry climate. As important as moisturizing is the moisturizer that you use. Try to find one that has some Q10 enzymes and other ingredients that will help to promote elasticity in your skin. This is especially important if you are older, however starting this routine younger will go miles in keeping you looking more youthful. When you moisturize your face, use soft circular motions, and include the eye area. Think of it as giving yourself a nightly massage. You should also make sure that you use lotion on your entire body to keep your skin hydrated and from becoming chaffed.

Most dermatologists recommend exfoliating your face only once weekly, and you can find an inexpensive product at your drug store to help do this. This will help to remove the dead skin cells that build up and make the appearance of fine lines more noticeable. Look for products that have retinoids in them, which help to remove dead skin particles. For those who have stretch marks, using topical creams and oils can assist in diminishing their appearance. With regular application, you may decrease a visibility of workout stretch marks, ultimately boosting your confidence in the appearance of your skin.

Another critical part of taking care of your skin is using sunscreen. And yes, you should use sunscreen even in the wintertime. Sun damage is not recognizable right away – however, in a few years all those days laying out at the pool and getting blistered will catch up with you. The sun is good for providing you with Vitamin D, but you should not be a sun goddess if you want to have nice looking skin when you are older. Many skin care products contain sunscreens and even some foundations and make-up have them already included, which can make applying sunscreen a no-brainer! Also, skin cancer is on the rise and can just as dangerous as any type of cancer. The number one cause is excess sub exposure.

Just like taking care of your skin is important on the outside, it is also vital to take care of the skin organ by eating healthy foods and drinking ample amounts of water. People who drink plenty of water have much more elastic and durable skin that is less prone to drying, cracking, and wrinkling. You should drink around 60 ounces of water a day (or more) in order to keep your skin hydrated. Also, eating green leafy vegetables and foods that are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants is important. Your skin acts like a shield from all the toxins that you are up against each and every day. After time, these toxins build up and can make your skin appear grey, dry, or unhealthy. By utilizing a colon cleansing routine and eating antioxidant foods you help to eliminate them from your body and your skin.

Protecting your skin and taking steps to protect it are an essential part of total body wellness. Many people are driven to taking care of their facial skin for aesthetic reasons. However, it is important to use the same cautious steps for the entirety of the skin on your body. If you aren’t sure where or how to begin, meet with a dermatologist to help you discover your skin type. They can also recommend products that are designed for your specific needs and will be a total face and body regime that will help to fix skin problems. Before you drop a small fortune on skin care products, do your research. Key in finding good products is looking at the ingredients and knowing which each provides. Often, products that may advertise a “miracle” cure only have a small amount of that ingredient in the skin care product.



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