The Ferber Method – Letting a Baby Cry it Out

baby boy crying in bed

New parents confounded by their baby’s sleeplessness often encounter two main approaches when seeking advice. The first is espoused by Dr. William Sears and others, commonly referred to as co-sleeping, sharing sleep, or the family bed. The main step involved in this method is simple: sleep with your baby (but be sure to consider the baby’s safety first). The second approach is known as the Ferber Method. “Ferberizing” your baby involves a process outlined in Dr. Richard Ferber’s book, Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. Below is a summary of this method.


The Ferber Method teaches parents how to help their child soothe themselves to sleep from around 5 or 6 months of age. This method has proven controversial, mainly because it is often misunderstood as a harsh system of letting the baby cry it out until he falls asleep. However, as outlined below, there is considerably more parental involvement in the Ferber Method than many people realize.

The Process

Begin with a warm and loving bedtime routine. The importance of routine is emphasized by virtually all sleep experts, and Dr. Ferber is no exception. Typical bedtime routines involve a warm bath, a story, and plenty of cuddling.

If the baby is still nursing at night, gradually replace feedings with another type of parental intervention, like rocking to sleep. Once the association with feeding is gone, you can start teaching the child to fall asleep on her own.

Place the baby in the crib while she is still awake. This step is critical to the Ferber Method. Dr. Ferber believes that putting the child down awake encourages her to learn to fall asleep without parental involvement.

Do Not Sleep in the Same Room

When the baby wakes, follow a schedule of “interventions” as outlined below. Interventions include rubbing or patting the baby’s back. Talk softly and stay for only 2 or 3 minutes. Do not pick up or feed the baby. Use the schedule below as a guideline, but adapt it to your needs:

  • Day One – Let the baby cry for 5 minutes before going in to comfort her. Next, wait 10 minutes before the second intervention, and then 15 minutes for the third. If the baby is still crying after 15 minutes, maintain the 15-minute interval for the rest of the night.
  • Day Two – Increase the first interval to 10 minutes. The second crying interval should be 15 minutes, and the third should be 20 minutes. Keep the crying interval at 20 minutes for the rest of the night.
  • Day Three – Increase the first interval to 15 minutes. The second crying interval should be 20 minutes, and the third should be 25 minutes. Maintain the 25-minute interval for the rest of the night.

Many children start sleeping well by the end of this three-day schedule. If not, most will begin to respond by the end of one week.

Benefits of the Ferber Method

Supporters of the Ferber Method believe that teaching a child to sleep independently encourages self-reliance. The method has also proven effective in reducing nighttime wakefulness in babies, resulting in better sleep for everyone.

Ferber’s method was designed to minimize unnecessary crying while providing comfort to the baby. In the 2006 revised edition of his book, Dr. Ferber introduces more flexibility to his approach, stating that a wide range of methods may be needed and that parents should consider what is best for their families.



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