We’ve all seen them—the dogs that pull their owners around, jump on strangers minding their own business, or cut across in front of joggers, tripping them up and sending them flying. Walking a dog can be a headache, a hazard, and just generally a horrible experience—but it doesn’t have to be. Start early, and training a puppy to walk on a leash in a calm, well-behaved manner is easy as long as you follow a few simple steps.
The First Easy Steps to Help Train a Puppy to Walk on a Leash
- Like with most things when working with a new addition to the family, training a puppy to walk on a leash starts with consistency. Everyone in your family must follow the same rules and train the pup in the same manner. Consistency among the family is crucial, and anyone who works with the puppy must understand how vital this is for helping the dog grow into a well-rounded adult.
- A puppy is never too young to wear a collar! Most good breeders will put a colored cord or collar on a litter of pups to help identify them. This also helps get the puppies used to wearing ‘clothes.’ The bonus? By the time they are old enough to go to their new home, they have already been tugged, dragged, nipped, and bullied around the whelping bed by those collars. So, a leash will not be a surprise!
- As soon as you have your pup home from the breeder, attach a six- to twelve-inch length of cord to the collar (length depending on the age and size of the pup). Training a puppy to walk on a leash depends partly on them not having an emotional breakdown the first time you attach one to their collar. By getting used to the weight and pull of the leash, the puppy is halfway to understanding how to correct their natural movements when wearing a leash. It also won’t be a shock the first time you give a slight correction.
- Once the pup is used to having six to twelve inches of leash attached to their collar, move them up to a longer leash, a few feet in length. Much like the shorter ‘stub’ of a leash, a few feet will allow the pup to learn how to naturally correct their movement when attached to a leash. In this case, part of the correction is when they step on the leash from time to time, or it becomes snagged on an obstacle, forcing them to correct themselves in order to continue what they want to do.
- Use the leash as a fun means of behavior training! The leash should never be associated with going somewhere ‘bad or scary’—ever. A bad ‘leashed’ session at the vet will only be exacerbated if you allow the pup to misbehave or ‘freak out’ at the end of the leash.
- Do not drag the pup by the leash. Instead, use the leash to gently guide the pup while encouraging it to come towards or follow you for the sake of being with you.
From Beginner to Walker: Training Your Puppy to Walk on a Leash
When your pup can wear a leash without losing their composure, begin taking them for walks. Always, always make it fun and never correct bad behavior. Instead, praise good behavior.
- He walks without pulling? Good puppy!
- He walks beside you without pulling? Great puppy!
- He walks beside you without pulling and keeps the leash out of his mouth? Bestest puppy!
- He walks beside you while you order your Starbucks latte—skinny vanilla, low foam, and 120 degrees? Fabulous puppy!
The point is, when he does something right, let him know. How would you like to be corrected for what you do wrong but never told what the right behavior is? You’d get resentful too.
No puppy is beyond bribery. Food is the way to a puppy’s heart, and squeaky toys and tennis balls can help convince a distracted pup to behave. Set your puppy up for success from the beginning and make sure you have some way to keep their attention!
Watch a dog show or obedience trial, and what do you quickly notice? The dogs have all their attention focused on their handler. How? A simple trick of holding food or a toy close to their chin. As they walk, the pup looks up, makes eye contact, and focuses all their attention on you, making the walk enjoyable.
Can you do this in the street? You bet! Bribe and cajole that pup into doing your bidding, and you’ll soon have a great puppy to walk on a leash.
Start early, use positive affirmation and bribery, maintain consistency, and avoid scary destinations, and your pup will quickly learn to love leash training!