“Nifty Nifty David is 50” is a popular roadside taunt often used to poke fun at people turning the supposed “Over the Hill” age of 50. The truth is, in today’s world, many 50-year-olds are living healthy, active, and happier lives than their 30-year-old counterparts. It seems that with age comes wisdom, and with this wisdom comes a more confident and fulfilling approach to life, allowing people to become passionate about their goals and invested in their happiness.
Certainly, for most of us, turning 50 means that you’ve lived well beyond half of your life since the average life expectancy isn’t 100 years. However, turning 50 does not have to be seen as the end of the world. The reality is that age is just a number—another candle on the birthday cake, another notch on the belt of life. For many people, 50 marks the beginning of the golden years, where you can look forward to a life involving less work and more pleasure. Today’s 50-year-olds generally live active and healthy lifestyles, and they’re still able to participate in many of the same activities as people in their 30s and 40s. The difference is that they’re no longer caring for young children and are typically more financially secure than they were a decade earlier.
This newfound freedom is what makes turning 50 such a wonderful thing. According to AARP, most adults turning 50 can expect at least 25 more years of an active lifestyle. Physical and mental decline, which often limits adults, usually occurs after the age of 75 for moderately healthy individuals. AARP also states that many adults at 50 are starting new careers and following dreams that their younger years did not allow time for. Every year, in popular sporting events such as marathons and tennis tournaments, there are ample participants over the age of 50. In fact, people in their 50s are often healthier and more health-conscious than younger generations because they feel they must be to maintain a vibrant and satisfying life.
One study from the University of Pennsylvania showed that people over the age of 50 were four times as likely to be at a healthier weight, eat a better diet, and engage in more weekly exercise than people just ten years younger. So, rather than seeing 50 as the slow march toward old age and senility, many people reach 50 feeling invigorated and renewed. Perhaps the later years in life encourage people to finally take control and truly pursue their happiness.
The Benefits of Turning 50
- According to experts, more people aged 50 and beyond report feeling happier and more fulfilled than younger people.
- Many people over 50 are more financially responsible and live within more comfortable means. Often, this is because many have paid off mortgages, cars, and no longer have children at home.
- People over 50 tend to have a greater sense of life achievement and more direction than younger individuals.
- Spending time with family is a high priority for those 50 and older. Experts believe that as older individuals have more time to enjoy their family, they tend to live happier lives.
- Two-thirds of people aged 50 report having more confidence than ever before in their lives.
- 85% of people aged 50 and older admit to worrying less and recognizing the things that truly matter in life.
- As life expectancy increases due to advances in medical technology, 50 is no longer considered old age.
- 50-year-old married couples or those in relationships report having healthier and happier relationships, likely due to both experience and self-confidence.
- More people over 50 engage in their passions and personal interests than younger generations. Research shows that spending time doing what you love increases both health and happiness.
What it boils down to is perception. If you believe that you are over the metaphorical hill or nearing the end of your life, turning 50 might seem daunting. However, if you choose to focus on the positive aspects of turning 50 and reaching yet another milestone in life, you can continue to set personal goals and add abundance to your life. Turning 50 is NOT the end of the world. In fact, with age and experience, you can become more adept at living authentically and adding even more achievements to your life.
If you’re approaching 50, take some time to reflect on where you came from, where you’ve been, and how far you’ve come over the past half-century. Chances are, you’ll find plenty to be proud of—and even more to look forward to.