What Does It Cost to Get a Kitten Neutered

grey and white kitten

Some people choose not to neuter their cats, but this decision doesn’t make much sense. Think about it: what does it really cost to get a kitten neutered? If you consider the pros and cons, who can afford not to have it done?

What does it mean to get your cat neutered?

Neutering an animal involves removing its testicles. This procedure, known as castration, prevents the animal from procreating. It also leads to behavioral changes by reducing the amount of male sex hormones in the animal’s system. A cat that has been neutered is considered “altered” because its testes have been removed, while a cat that has not been neutered is considered “intact” because it still has its testicles.

The question of whether or not this procedure is necessary is almost always answered with a definite “yes.” However, there are still people who choose not to have their pets spayed or neutered. Some cite cost, others believe their cat is an indoor pet and doesn’t need it, while some simply prefer not to. There will always be individuals—often men—who compare their own preference to remain intact with the kitten’s situation.

Behavioral Effects

When a male cat matures, he can smell a female in heat even if she is several houses—and even blocks—away. This frustrates the cat because he can’t reach the female to act on his natural urge to mate. As a result, he may become irritable, start spraying his territory (which happens to be your home) with his scent (which happens to be really strong and foul-smelling urine) in an attempt to show dominance and attract the females in heat.

Without the opportunity to mate, a cat can become restless, irritable, aggressive, and even evasive or sneaky. Keeping him indoors becomes as challenging as keeping teenage boys away from girls. With a human teen, you can offer magazines and computer games to occupy his time, but you can’t do this with your cat. There’s nothing on your cat’s mind except reaching the females he can smell. You can’t distract him.

When the door to your home is open, he may make a run for it—even if he has never tried to get outside before. His overwhelming urge to mate can override his usual dislike for the outdoors. He might sulk when he’s not trying to escape, too.

Once is Never Enough

If your cat sneaks outside and finds a female, or if you allow him “one fling” before having him “fixed,” you’ll discover that once is never enough. It’s not like eating a single potato chip and then showing incredible willpower to stop. Once he has activated his biological drive to mate and perpetuate his species, he can’t turn it off. He now has the taste and won’t be able to forget it.
A sexually frustrated cat can be moody and destructive. Your home becomes his territory, and he will regularly spray it. Every time he smells a female in heat in the neighborhood, he will try to leave the house. This behavior can lead to injury, as tomcats searching for mates rarely remember to look both ways before crossing the road.

Being Safe is Better Than Being Sorry

If you have your kitten neutered between 2 and 6 months of age, you can avoid dealing with a tomcat on the prowl. Many vets prefer to perform the surgery just before puberty to ensure your cat has reached full adult size, as the procedure reduces hormones that could affect growth. Once your cat has reached full size, it is safe to neuter him.

Man’s Best Friend

So, what does it cost to get a kitten neutered? Actually, the rewards far outweigh the costs. Your kitten will become more affectionate, redirecting the energy he would have used to chase females into building a bond with his owner. Every waking hour that isn’t spent bathing or sunning himself will be dedicated to showing you affection, making him “man’s best friend.”

Saving Money When Neutering Your Cat

If you’re looking to save money on the surgery, consider contacting your local humane society or animal rescue groups. They often have information on special clinics that help cover the costs of spaying and neutering. With the current pet overpopulation issue, many organizations are willing to assist responsible pet owners in getting their animals altered to help control the population.
You can also contact your local veterinarian to inquire about their fees. While this may be more expensive than a non-profit clinic, your vet is the one who will be helping with your pet’s care, so it’s worth considering keeping them in the loop.

Fines, Fees, and Other Hidden Costs to Consider

In some areas, failing to neuter your cat may result in fines or fees. Laws vary by location, so it’s important to be aware of your local regulations. In many cases, fees are lower for altered animals than for intact ones.
While it might seem humane to allow your cat to keep his testicles, it actually isn’t. If you aren’t planning to breed him, neutering is the best option. Keeping him intact without the ability to breed can cause frustration, as he will have urges that he can’t act upon. This can lead to neurosis and other behavioral issues.

Ultimately, the real question isn’t what it costs to neuter a kitten, but what it costs to not have your cat neutered. A responsible cat owner will have their cats neutered between 2 and 6 months of age, ensuring they have a long, healthy, and happy life. Neutering helps your cat bond with people and become more affectionate and loving.



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