What is Dander

Bichon Frisé

If being around a cat or dog causes you to sneeze, experience itchy or runny eyes, or develop a skin rash, you may be one of the estimated 10% of the population allergic to animals. In dogs and cats, the most common cause of allergies is the dander found in their skin and coat. To understand pet allergies, you need to first understand what dander is, how allergies to it can be controlled, and what you can do to peacefully coexist with the dogs and cats in your life.

Understanding Pet Allergies and Dander

Contrary to popular belief, it is not the hair of dogs and cats that causes allergies. Instead, it is the dander—the tiny flakes of dead skin—that triggers allergic reactions. Dander is similar to human dandruff but is much smaller and typically invisible to the naked eye.

Because dander is so small and lightweight, it can stay airborne for hours. The allergens in dander are sticky, which means they can be transported on clothing and can linger in carpets, mattresses, and furniture, despite regular cleaning. Due to its persistent nature, it is still possible for allergy sufferers to experience symptoms for months, even after the pet has been removed from the home.

Pet allergies are common, and many people who suffer from them have dealt with allergies most of their lives. As a result, pet choices are often made with these allergies in mind, avoiding species and breeds that may trigger allergic reactions. Unfortunately, allergies can also develop suddenly in individuals who previously had no issues, presenting a sudden and potentially disruptive problem for both human and pet.

For those with pet allergies, allergic reactions occur when they inhale airborne allergens in the form of pet dander. These tiny particles trick the immune system into thinking they are harmful invaders. As a result, histamines are released to combat the dander, leading to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, itching, and, in severe cases, difficulty breathing.

Living with allergies and coexisting with pets can be tricky, but studies show that about a third of pet owners also suffer from pet allergies. This suggests that with careful selection and extra precautions, allergy sufferers and pets can live together peacefully.

If you suffer from allergies but still want a pet, there are several breeds of dogs considered “hypoallergenic,” meaning they produce less dander. Most of these dogs are also low-shedding, which helps further reduce potential allergens. The most well-known hypoallergenic and non-shedding dogs include the Poodle (all varieties) and Bichon Frise.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Other hypoallergenic breeds include:

  • Airedale Terrier
  • Australian Terrier
  • Bouvier des Flandres
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Chinese Crested
  • Chihuahua (Long-coated)
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Maltese
  • Schnauzer (Miniature and Giant)
  • Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

Unfortunately for cat lovers, cat allergies are more common and typically more severe than dog allergies. As with dogs, it is the dander from a cat’s skin that causes the majority of allergic reactions. Additionally, cat dander can also be found in their saliva and urine. However, unlike dogs, there is no known hypoallergenic cat breed.

In both cats and dogs, it is possible for a person to be allergic to one breed or type of pet but not another. For example, some people experience more allergies to Burmese and Tonkinese cats but have no issues with other cat breeds. Conversely, while not hypoallergenic, some individuals find that the Rex breed of cat causes fewer allergic reactions than others.

Tips for Managing Pet Allergies at Home

If you suffer from pet allergies but already own a pet, there are several steps you can take to reduce the severity of your reactions:

  • Keep pets off your bed, sheets, and furniture, where dander can accumulate and you spend many hours a day.
  • Use an air purifier to filter the air and remove dander particles from circulation.
  • Wash dogs and cats with specially formulated dander-reducing shampoo to help reduce the shedding of dander.
  • While hair itself is not a major cause of allergies, the more hair a pet has, the more dander will be present in their coat. Keeping pets well-groomed and shaving long-haired pets can reduce the amount of dander.
  • Vacuum daily using a [HEPA] filter on furniture and carpets to help reduce dander and minimize exposure.
  • Place cat litter boxes in a remote location, and avoid having the allergy sufferer clean the litter pan.

In addition to controlling environmental factors, consult your doctor for advice on medications that may help manage your allergies. Over-the-counter antihistamines, such as Benadryl, or prescription antihistamines, nasal sprays, or eye drops may help prevent and treat allergy attacks.

If medications are ineffective, a visit to an allergist may be necessary. After determining the specific allergens causing your symptoms, the allergist may recommend allergen immunotherapy. These “allergy shots” can help desensitize the body to the allergen.

Dealing with pet allergies can be challenging, especially if you’re already a pet owner. Understanding dander and how to manage it in your home can help make living with pet allergies more manageable.



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