What Is Your Dog’s Memory Span?

In recent years, scientists have begun to study dogs’ ability to remember and attempt to understand what types of memories dogs have. It’s generally accepted that, like humans, dogs have both short-term and long-term memories. Their short-term, or “working,” memory is quite brief—ranging from 10 to 70 seconds, depending on the study. In contrast, their long-term, or “associative,” memory is indefinite. Dogs can remember people for many years, as demonstrated by numerous videos on social media showcasing dogs’ ecstatic reunions with members of the armed forces after long tours of duty.

Dogs’ poor short-term memory can significantly impact their daily lives, especially when their humans come home after a long day at work only to find that Rover has chewed up a good shoe or a couch pillow. It may be tempting to punish Rover for his misdeed, but unless you catch him in the act, he’ll have no idea why he’s being punished. Instead, he may come to associate the punishment with your arrival home from work. This could leave him confused, stressed, and fearful of you. You certainly don’t want that!

Long-Term Memory: Emotional Associations and Impressions

Long-term memory, often referred to as “associative” or “imprint” memory, is indefinite. This is where dogs “remember” the room in the house where they are most likely to receive a treat or associate your putting on a specific pair of shoes or coat with going for a walk. Scientists believe dogs can form long-term memories based on a variety of experiences, but those with highly positive or negative connotations tend to stand out the most.

“Important events, such as those related to food and survival, and events with emotional impact, are more likely to be stored in long-term memory,” says Claudia Fugazza, a researcher at the Department of Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

The timing of experiences is also crucial for the formation of long-term memories. Puppies are most impressionable between 3 and 12 weeks of age. “Puppies and kittens both go through a rapid learning phase early in life, where they form memories that influence their behavior for the rest of their lives,” explains Dr. Kersti Seksel, a registered veterinary specialist in behavioral medicine at Sydney Animal Behaviour Service in Australia. “During this period, it’s vital to expose them to proper socialization, training, and conditioning.”

It’s also possible to help a dog transform a negative long-term memory into a positive one, according to one veterinarian. For example, if we respond to our dog’s stress at the vet clinic by becoming anxious ourselves, “the memory of the building, the smells, and the people in that building will forever be scary.” To address this, the vet suggests periodic “happy visits” to the clinic, where the dog receives a treat, some love, or simply comes in and leaves without any stress. This approach has led to complete turnarounds in the demeanor and behavior of many dogs.

What’s most important to remember about our dogs and their memories is that they don’t remember the way humans do. They probably don’t recall the day you brought them home or the day you rescued them from the shelter. Their only lasting memory of the shelter may be an anxiety around cages. Their short-term, or “working,” memory is inadequate for remembering events like tearing into the garbage while you were away. Therefore, punishing them for such actions makes no sense, as they won’t understand the reason behind it. With a short-term memory span of just 70 seconds, you must catch them in the act for any punishment to make sense.

What is clear, however, is that dogs remember YOU, they love you, and they look to you for guidance, safety, security, and that love that only you can provide.



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