Where is the North Pole?

Santa in a sleigh

The North Pole is a magical place, despite what science may suggest. It is a sweet village with tiny houses for tiny elves, a large stable for the reindeer, candy cane pillars, and gingerbread buildings that are actually functional. It’s where a child’s Christmas miracles are kept and where adults can travel to when their Christmas light begins to dwindle.

Scientists will tell us that the North Pole is the northernmost point on the Earth, and that the temperatures there reach levels so cold that human life cannot exist. But they have forgotten that there is magic at the North Pole, and Santa Claus, his elves, his wife, and his trusty reindeer thrive perfectly well in the environment. In fact, Santa and his crew need to be in the North Pole. If they tried to move their operation to a populated area, they would be inundated with children wanting to get their requests in early.

The Real North Pole vs. North Pole, Alaska

The North Pole is a very busy place. There are toys to manufacture, and of course, the prototypes have to be sent to the toy companies so that exact replicas can be found in every major department store and supercenter in the world.

Alaska has a town of nearly two thousand people known as North Pole, Alaska. However, this is not the real North Pole. While North Pole, Alaska, hosts a very good and believable Santa Claus impersonator, everyone knows that the real Santa Claus lives at the real North Pole in his self-founded village.

Scientists will try to tell us that the magnetic North Pole is somewhat fluid, never really hitting the same exact place year after year. Technically located in Canadian waters, the North Pole is an entity all its own. Santa doesn’t move his village year after year. He can be located annually at his usual location with his usual troops of busy elves and placid reindeer. There is speculation that the constant movement of the magnetic North Pole may shift it into Russia over time, but Santa doesn’t agree. He will maintain his village in the same spot, regardless of where the scientists tell him it should be. Russia has already laid claim to the North Pole, though their claim has neither been accepted nor rejected. It won’t matter to Santa Claus, because he belongs in the North Pole, where he’s been since the dawn of his creation.

The North Pole is actually considerably warmer than its counterpart, the South Pole, because it is directly at sea level. Regardless, Santa has no intention of moving south. The South Pole is too accessible, and he relies heavily on its inaccessibility to remain at the constant height of productivity. While the South Pole is considered inaccessible without special training, funding, and highly specialized equipment, the North Pole is considered completely inaccessible due to the constant shifting of the ice mass that rests at its axis point. This privacy has allowed Santa to remain anonymous for thousands of years, and he will continue to expect the same level of privacy, regardless of technological advancements.

A warm day at the North Pole is about -15 degrees Fahrenheit, while January and February can bring constant temperatures around -45 degrees. This is brutally cold, and Santa Claus’ crew must take special precautions while working with the various elements while creating toys. Glass and plastic run a constant risk of freezing and shattering if exposed to the elements. Naturally, metals cannot be touched with the elves’ bare hands, as their fingers would immediately freeze to the surface and require immediate medical attention. The reindeer are kept in specially designed stables that keep them warm yet allow ample exercise to prepare for their worldwide flight. Summer temperatures can reach as high as 32 degrees, but often drop to thirty degrees below zero. Winter is, of course, pitch dark for twenty-four hours a day, and the opposite occurs in the summer months. Santa and his elves are at their busiest during the summer months and continue their work right up until Christmas Eve. They typically take a mild vacation throughout the early winter months when there is no daylight.

Despite several successful expeditions to the North Pole, Santa Claus’ village has yet to be verifiably located and recorded. This is naturally by design. The brave souls who have attempted the search for Santa’s village have been few and far between, but their efforts have been applauded, and their bravery deemed heroic simply for the attempts.

Santa Claus, his elves, and Mrs. Claus have always resided comfortably in this harsh and unforgiving climate. They have no plans to move to a more predictable or comfortable location, as the North Pole has served their purposes well throughout all time.



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